gelatine promise

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dan hated it.

he hated where he was.

who he was with.

why he was there.

the place he's been put in was a small cell. nothing like the movies. 

the steel slab protruding from the wall was the only place dan could sit comfortably. the dirty green paint job was chipped and peeling off.

the officer was strangely nice. tall, buff and a lingering scent of peppermint. he kept touching dan's shoulders and slapping his back. 

after a few hours the officer came to his cell to slide open the metal gate. 

"somebody's getting you out, kid." "really?" 

dan crossed his fingers, hoping phil would be his saviour. that he could run into his arms and they'd be fine. 

but he was wrong.

two very different figures were leaning up against the police desk, engaged in a very bland conversation. 

"your older brothers. they got you out." "they're not my-" 

the taller one with the curly hair lunged forward and grabbed dan, his hand closing over his mouth. he cautiously bent down to his ear. 

"we're with phil. play along." 

the shorter one with dark brown eyes and messy straight hair decided to speak up.

"yes officer. that's our baby brother." 

he punched dan in the arm, instantly causing numb sensations in the surrounding area. dan nervously laughed it off and convincingly patted the stranger's backs. 

the police officer walked away as dan was harshly dragged outside. he immediately pulled away and stared at the strangers with an expression of panic and confusion.

the shorter one lit a cigarette and promptly began to take a deep drawl. the one who'd grabbed dan earlier nervously chuckled. 

"i'm chris, that's pj. phil sent us."
"why you two?"
"we're his godparents."
"you don't look old."
"we are only 4 years older than phil." "yikes."
"anyway, speak of the devil."

dan felt two warm arms wrap around his waist and pull him into a hug. he felt his chest flutter as the familiar aroma of sugary sweets and cherries filled his senses. 

"phil, what ha-"
"oh my goodness dan! are you okay?! i tried to wake you up but you're a really deep sleeper and the police were already running over and you're quite heavy, no offence, but i didn't want to leave you so i figured that if you were arrested-"

dan cupped phil's face in his hands, gingerly pecking his cheek; immediately silencing the chatty brit. 

"i'm okay, phil."
"well. i still have to apologise."
"and how do you plan on doing that." 

phil laced his fingers with dan's, dragging him in the direction of the city centre. 

he didn't stop running till they arrived at a tall white building. metal pillars and glass screens decorated the entrance. 

the city ice rink. obviously. 

phil checked them in and grabbed them matching black skates. dan grabbed them and laughed. 

after tightly lacing up, dan began to stagger over to the rink. phil draped his arm over his shoulder for support. 

"you ever skated before, kitty boy?" "honestly? no."
"no way! you're lying to me."
"i promise i'm not."
"well then i guess i should be your mentor."

phil set foot on the ice and immediately glided in a perfect circle. dan refused to let go of the wall. his legs could barely shift. 

phil linked arms with dan. 

"come on dan, we're leaving the wall."
"no! no! phil i swear i'll kill you!"
"if you can catch me." 

phil turned backwards, skating perfectly in front of dan who angrily scowled in defeat. 

he held onto phil's hand who skated a few steps. dan tried to copy, his feet struggling to find a rhythm. 

after sluggish skating for almost five minutes, dan's skate blade found a chunk missing from the ice. 

the two boys toppled to the freezing ground. phil with his back to the ice, dan's hands slammed on either side of his face and his body hovering over hesitantly.

phil's lips curled into a smile. 

"you look amazing lying above me."

the two boys exited the rink.

after killing their time at candy stores, the park and the ice rink; the duo finally arrived home. 

the sun was bowing down behind the rugged mountains lining the amber horizon. 

phil held dan's hands in his own, grinning warmly at his boyfriend. 

"before you leave i have one last gift." 

phil dipped his body, one knee grazing the gravelly concrete and the other bent at a perfect 90 degree angle. he fished his hand into his pocket to retrieve an orange gelatine haribo ring. 

dan stifled his laughter into the sleeve of his flannel he'd pulled on. his other hand still remained in phil's comfortable grip. 

"kitty boy, dan, daniel, whatever you please. i have fallen madly in love with you and i am okay with that. so please accept my offering and take this ring in proposal of our never ending friendship and love." 

phil slipped the candy ring onto dan's ring finger. dan tackled phil, flinging his arms around the latter's neck. 

"i guess this means i have to get you a ring." 

the two lovers chortled heartily in unison before heading to their respectful homes. 

dan locked the door before hazily leaning against the frame. he was in a lovesick state. 

but not at the right time.  

a tall dark figure paced down the stairs.

dan felt his throat tighten as his heart skydived to his toes.   


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