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On Monday morning, I woke up pretty early. It was time to start packing. Layla's mom let her miss today and tomorrow so she could help pack and then say goodbye to me when I left. It was my last full day here. 

Everything was packed up except for my room, which I was dreading. I started with all of my clothes, throwing them into a few of the many boxes my mom had gave me. Layla helped me pack everything up, it was basically silent. 

We didn't really have anything to say to each other, we were both pretty tore up about me leaving. I mean, Florida is so far away. 

I finished packing everything up except for my bed sheets. I took one last shower that night. I left out pajamas, clothes for tomorrow, and other things I'd need for tomorrow to leave. 

Everything was packed into the car. Layla came over to me to give me one last hug before I climbed into the car. "I'm gonna miss you so much." She said. I hugged her back, tighter. "I'm gonna miss you too." A tear ran down my cheek. 

She pulled back and I got into the car. I waved to her as the car pulled away. I wasn't ready for this. I really wasn't. I put my earbuds into my ears. I couldn't help myself, I put on Nashville. 

I silently cried into the sleeve of my hoodie. One new text from Layla: 'Miss you arleady, bestfwand :(' I texted her back: 'I miss you too :( ugh'

I texted Dylan: "Have a good day at school today. I love you so much <3" He instantly replied: "I'll try. Have a safe trip, babe. Love you<3" 

We stopped at the gas station. "Do you wanna come in and get something?" My mom asked me while my dad pumped the gas. I guess I better get in my stretching and food for right now. I wasn't even hungry but I'd get something anyways. 

I got a bottle of Pepsi and a bag of chips. I walked back to the car after paying for it. "It's gonna be a long ride. You should sleep some of it off so it'll be quicker." My mom said, turning back to the front. I took a small sip of my pepsi, put it in the cup holder, and threw my bag of chips on the other side. 

I curled up into fetal position, and listened to music until I was finally fast asleep. "Aubree, wake up!" I heard my mom coo from the front of the car. I rubbed my eyes, still not getting up. I sat up, wondering what the new house looked like. 

I looked but I found something more pleasing. Something that brought tears to my eyes. My old home, with all of my neighbors standing around it. "Surprise!" My dad said, bringing the car to a halt in the front driveway. 

Then someone's face caught my eye. Dylan's face. I screamed a tiny scream, jumped out of the car and rushed into his arms. He picked me up, swirled me around, and kissed me. Just like the movies. But this was reality, a better reality.

-Thanks for reading this story! This is the end of it and I hope you enjoyed <3

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