C.31 "Fair shmeire."

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"In conclusion, please refrain from using
the second floor storage room. That's all, thank you."
Cementoss ended his speech.

"Oh ma' friggin' God, my legs are dying!"
Your classmate whispered to you.

"Don't worry, just one more announcement and this'll all be over."
You grinned reassuringly; internally, you were very excited for the next announcement.

"Thank you Mr Cementoss for that wonderful explanation on the 'Insensitive Break In' incident."
Principle Nezu smiled cheerfully.

"Next up, which is our last announcement for today's assembly, is Ms Midnight talking about a certain event happening after the final term examinations."

As Principle Nezu hopped off the wooden stage, students whispered to each other; wondering what was happening.

Midnight walked on and cleared her throat before the beginning of her announcement.

"Good morning U.A students!
As all of you are aware of, it's near the final exams and last semester. And we teachers have been observing all of you closely, and after discussing, the school has decided to reward all of you."
Midnight grinned.

The students whose heads were once drooping were now up, interested by what Midnight was proposing.

Even Tenya was slightly grinning, the tips of his mouth slightly facing up, knowing fully well what was the reward. And he too, was very thrilled by the idea.

"As a result of all your hard-work and strive for improvement over the past terms, the school has decided that the night after the final exams, there will be a special event just for you!"

Whispers and murmurs filled the
air with what used to be silence.

"The event will be held at the Theatre Room and continued in the gymnasium. So for the event purposes please refrain from going to both of the following places until the day itself.

Now, the event is all about a night full of fun!
The Musical Theatre Club will be performing an electrifying musical for you, and after the musical there will be a party held in the gymnasium!"

All the students were roaring with
excitement to the point that the teachers standing by had to calm them down.

Midnight continued after all the commotion.
"Right after the final day of the exams, the night after will be the day of the event.

It will start at exactly 6:00 p.m. The musical to be exact, so don't be late!

The musical will last for two hours, of course with a toilet break in the middle.

Afterwards all students get a 25 minute relaxation period, to stretch your legs or even chat; while the Musical Theatre Club change out of costumes. And after that we can begin the party!"

The students cheered happily.

"Present Mic will be both the MC and DJ for the party, we also have students volunteering to sing and perform songs as well so expect a blast! More details will be featured in the notice papers that'll be handed out to you by your homeroom teachers.

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