C.49 "T-that's...nice. And ambitious."

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"I'm sorry Shinso! I didn't mean for you to fall down!"
You apologised, helping gather the scattered books.

"That's okay, you didn't do it deliberately."
Shinso, your classmate, said.

"I know but I was rushing and I wasn't looking carefully."
You frowned.

"It's alright...your name's...____?"
He squinted his eyes at you.

"First name, ____ _____."

"Oh yeah, it's alright _____. I wasn't looking as well."

Walking up the staircase with his classmates after hero course training, Tenya could hear talking on the second floor.



"Not to be rude,
I get you're in the Musical Theatre Club but what's all of this?  You like history and working at an old fashioned diner?"
Shinso asked, observing the random props that had fallen from the box you held; holding them while staring strangely close at them.

"Hm? Those are props from the storage room."
You chuckled nervously.

"I didn't know you were into this stuff."

"It's not only me."
You sheepishly chuckled.

You handed Shinso his stack of hero books and Shinso handed you back your box of musical props.

"Where are you going?"
He asked.

"Storage room, I was assigned to put all these props back."

"I was heading to the library,
maybe we could go together?"
Shinso shrugged.

"Oh— yeah! Sure!"
You nodded immediately.

You were back to your old, shy self ever since you and Tenya left each other. Though Shinso and you were in the same class, you both were into completely different things. Heroes bored you whilst Shinso didn't know squat about musicals.

At the same time you and Shinso exchanged items,
the famous Class 1-A students passed by; walking up from the staircase.

Your eyes widened in anxiousness, lowering your head to avoid being seen as you walked away quickly.

Not like this was your first time doing so, you've always been sweaty and nervous around that class. And now it's even worse since you and Tenya had broken up.

On the other hand, Shinso
sent hateful glares at the Class 1-A students before walking away at his own pace.

Once you had hid behind a wall, Shinso was able to catch up with you and find you in a panicked state.

"So...how're you dealing with the breakup?"
Shinso asked, tilting his head ever so slightly.

"Obviously not good, I mean, I-I guess I'm over him but I'm not completely ready to be seen by him."
You shrugged, slowly coming out of your hiding spot and, soon enough, walking alongside Shinso.

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