entry two

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i know what i said about this journal, but i gotta get stuff off my chest.

so, i saw you today. i see you everyday. but every day, it seems i fall a bit harder for you. i like everything about you. i know nobody's perfect but i can't seem to find a single flaw on you. even if there was, i wouldn't consider it a flaw. even your flaws are perfect.

i don't know why i'm getting my hopes up so high. you're probably straight. you probably have no interest in boys. you'd probably only ever fuck a girl. guys are gross. at least that's probably what you think.

i was with my friends when i passed you in the hall. i caught your eye and you caught mine.

you smiled, "hey, zach." that made my heart race. i gave you a smile that i think was a bit too wide.

"hey corbyn." the second you passed, my friends began teasing.

"mr. besson!" daniel chuckled. i cringed. that was your last name. i blushed as i feared someone else would figure out my crush. or worse, that you would hear.

you didn't. thankfully, we proceeded as normal when i saw you at our class together. i wasn't sure, though, if you were just being nice and pretending like you heard nothing.

either way, i'm glad i still have you, at least for another day. i don't know what i'd do if i lost you. you're one of my main sources of happiness right now. you mean so much to me, even in the short time we've known each other. oh god, i sound ridiculous.

~ zach
4:08 pm

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