the end

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you have reached the end of
"journalism • zorbyn"

i can't believe this story has come to an end and i wanna thank you so very much for reading this far. your support throughout this whole experience is what has kept me going and i'm endlessly thankful for all the comments, votes, and shares.

this is the first story i've ever fully written and completed and i put a lot of time and effort into making it as enjoyable as i can. i've been planning journalism since november of 2018 and to finally see it come together and to watch people actually enjoy reading it is what made me the happiest.

i promise i notice all you guys do for me; i read every single comment and i love them all. you guys are all my inspiration and i can't thank you guys enough.

i'm not gonna get too sappy—otherwise i'll cry—but i appreciate every last one of you. thank you for making my writing experience a great one.

check out my oneshots book if you haven't already and i'll see what other stories i can whip up for you all! i've got some stuff in the works so keep your eyes peeled and stay tuned...

i love you all very much!

chanel xx

journalism | zorbyn ✓Where stories live. Discover now