Gods Word | 5

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I get up from out of bed at the sound of the waking bells, the sound I've heard for the past...well, seventeen years of my life. Leo has always been one to sleep through the bells, so I shake him awake. He whacks me with the back of his hand and rolls over onto his back, grunting as he sits up.

Somehow, Leo convinced Father to keep his blonde hair a little longer than the rest of us guys. We have to stay with shorter hair, not a buzz cut, but just a little bit on top. I need a haircut soon though.

Leo is pretty funny and persuasive, so it's not a surprise that he gets a little extra pass on some things, Father loves him. Since I'm his best friend, I'm like his plus one on the little extras that he gets, so that's cool. Maybe I can get Jocelyn to be favorited by father.

Leo and I both stand up and walk out of the cabin, my eyes instantly traveling to the girls side to see when Jocelyn comes out. Sure enough, she's already up, and her eyes are already on mine. She smiles at me from across the field and continues walking, only to be stopped by Father. I stop in my tracks and watch the interaction they have.

Father puts his hand on her shoulder, making her uncomfortable. Do something. Father won't hurt her. He lets go of her and she strides past him into the town hall, so I quickly move along towards her. I jog up next to her and nudge her with my shoulder.

"What'd he say?" I ask.

She stares ahead of her and doesn't smile. "To meet him for initiation in the initiation room."

"Don't be scared," I whisper, showing her my scarred left hand. "He cuts it with a knife and pours the blood into your bowl, preserving it in the storage room like the rest of us. Then God takes it away and saves you a spot in Heaven, matching your blood."

She glances down at my hand and her eyes dart quickly back up, her pace increasing. "That's cool."

"It is," I laugh.

"Do you know what sarcasm is?" She questions, raising an eyebrow.

I pout my lip and shake my head. "Nope."

She glances up at the ceiling and sighs. She takes my hand and drags me away for a second, moving up to my ear. "Come to the same spot tonight and I'll teach you." Her lip brushes my ear and it sends shivers down my spine, making me want to lean into her more.

She lets go of my hand and walks to the initiation room, Father walking into the town hall and straight to the same room with the knife in his hand.

I don't want her to get cut. Thinking about her in pain kind of bothers me, but it's for God, and she has to do this. I just hope she doesn't cry.

I wait for her, being subtle though because were not really allowed to stick with girls very often. She comes back out, her face blank and blood running down her fingertips, dripping onto the floor. She walks right up to me and glances behind her, watching as Father goes back into his office with the bloody knife.

"Where's the medic?" She turns back to face me, her blue eyes sharp enough to reopen the scar on my hand. The blood continues to eerily drip down her hand, a sight I don't want to see, especially one connected to her arm.

"Uh, right here." I jog over to the other side of the room and open the door for her. She casually walks into the room and I wait outside for her, fiddling with my fingers anxiously. She walks back out and runs a hand through her long, blonde hair.

The expressionless look on her face absolutely terrifies me. She looks like she's not on this planet right now.

"Are you alright?"

She clenches her jaw. "I'll tell you later." She walks straight out of the town hall where Father is going to tell her and her family their jobs, but before that, Father gathers all of us men among his throne. Yeah, he has a throne. It's beautiful.

He lays his arms carefully along the armrests and stares down at all the guys, all of us. "We're gathered here for an announcement. The Lord has spoken. We have reached max capacity, and today, we will start closing off Gods land. For He has communicated to me that the outside must be closed off and surrounded in Holy Water to keep the evil out. Men, Gods Angels, as of today until it is done, you will be building up a fence around the perimeters God has set for us which I have marked to make it simple. After this task is completed, you will have a day off to do as you please, to enjoy Gods mighty Will which has specifically chosen you..you as a chosen one. And as of the day this task is completed, the outside as we know it will crumble to the ground, for God views them as sinners and carriers of Satans instilled evil. Work your hardest, this is Gods last message to us before our job as Angels is done. Once this fence is built, the land will be flushed of evil, and we will carry on with our lives until we're brought to Heaven."

I cross my arms and smile, happy that the day is coming where the world will be at peace.

"There will be no more matching after this," he announces, standing up. "We are the last of us. Now go, go and carry out Gods request. Amen."

"Amen," we all say, well, except me. No more matching? What about Jocelyn? I want to be matched with her. Damn it, I want to be matched with her.

I walk up to father and furrow my eyebrows. "Father, will I be matched?"

He chuckles. "Son, I admire your persistence to carry out the natural calling that the Lord has placed in you, carrying on life, but the time has come, it's come to an end. No more children. No more outside. We will die at peace with ourselves and what we have accomplished. This is Gods word, you don't want to deviate from his plan for you, correct?"

"No Father," I sigh sadly, turning back around to all the other guys who are walking out to start working.

Well, this really sucks. At least her and I can stay friends until the end of our lives.

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