I've Got A Lot To Learn, Don't I? | 22

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Officers surround the entire land, ambulances carrying guards, but the one person I haven't seen is Michael. I shot him in the leg, I didn't kill him. I hope he didn't escape. I hid the bag of money in a tree, but I gave the officer the files.

Leo and I have been talking to the police for hours. I told the officers how Michael had me sleep with him and have sex with him too. I had to show them the picture I took and showed Jason that one time. Even if it was consensual, it was statutory rape, I'm seventeen, he's in a position of power over me. Thank you Ohio laws.

I told the police as well about my parents and how they're abusive, physically and emotionally. This is my chance to get out of that too, so might as well take it. I turn eighteen tomorrow anyway. They told me that is something that needs to be taken care of differently, so I'd have to wait.

Jason's in the hospital, which is scaring the shit out of me. The police are going to bring me there, and I told them I didn't want my parents going.

After more questioning and the ambulances leaving, the police bring Leo and I in their car to the hospital. Leo sits quietly in the car for a while, his eyes staring down at his hands.

"Are you okay?" I ask, glancing at him. I knew of him, but never really talked to him, I didn't know him and Jason were best friends. Leo's attractive too, but nothing like Jason.

He nods and clenches his jaw. "I'm scared."

"Me too," I mutter, playing with my fingers.

He presses his lips together and nods to himself. "My whole life I've been lied to." I can see his eyes starting to water, but he keeps himself composed. "My best friends in the hospital." He licks his lips and stares up at the car roof. "I don't know where my dad is or if he's okay." His eyes glance away. "My mom ran away when she was nineteen, after she had me and found that my dad took me here. I always hated her for it, but now I wish she took me with her. I want to find her."

"You should." I won't tell him, but she's probably dead. Michael probably sent one of his guards to kill her, maybe even his father.

"We're here," the officer announces, his voice representing the typical cop sound.

I nod and open the car door. "Thank you."

"No problem. We'll be waiting here to take you guys back."

I furrow my eyebrows. "Where?"

His eyes fall to the seat in front of him. "The station for questioning."

I swallow hard and scratch my arms anxiously. "Yeah, sure. I turn eighteen tomorrow, so like I don't know if you'd have to wait without parents permission, but yeah, I'll do it without them."


I sigh and bite my lip. "Okay." Fuck fuck fuck. "How long will you wait out here?"

"However long you guys need." He smiles politely and nods his head. "Go see your friend, he probably misses you guys."

"Thanks," I smile, moving out of the way so Leo can get out. We wave to the officer and hustle into the hospital, Leo's eyes wandering around with fascination.

"How is all of this built?" He whispers, his lips parted.

I shrug. "The outside is very advanced, especially compared to the Society." His eyes continue to roam around the room as I move to the lady at the front. "Hello."

"Hello sweetie, how are you today?" She smiles politely.

I chuckle. "I'm fine, I'm here to see Jason...I...I actually don't know his last name. He just came in a couple hours ago, got shot in the leg, came from the cult. I think you've heard by now."

Her eyes widen. "Are you Jocelyn?"

I furrow my eyebrows. "Yeah, how'd you know?"

"You're on the towns news. You got everyone out right?"

I don't want to be questioned now, and not ever. I just want to see Jason. "Yeah something like that. Can I please go see Jason?"

She nods and gives me his room number. "I understand you don't want to talk about it. Just know, you're a hero." She lets Leo and I both head to the elevator. I'm sure he's never been on one of these before.

"This is so cool!" He yells, grinning like a child in a candy store. "Man, how do they make these things? Computers. Phones. What even is the internet? God, I missed a lot."

I shrug. "You really did."

The elevator dings and we both step out, my eyes searching frantically for his room. Fuck, I just need to see him. I jog down the empty hallway and check every single doors number. I find the number and swing open the door, my eyes connecting straight with his.

"Oh my God, you're awake." I quickly rush to him and wrap my arms around him, his leg lifted onto a pillow. "How are you?"

He shrugs. "Been better, my head hurts like hell."

"Your leg?" I chuckle, glancing down at the wrapped up mess it's in.

He shakes his head and pouts his lip. "Nope, it's numb though." He glances behind me. "Hey Leo."

Leo smirks and glances down at his leg. "You waste of space, get over here man." They do their little bro hug and Leo sits down on the chair while I sit on the bed, gripping Jason's hand tightly.

"When are you getting let out?" I ask, running my thumb along the back of his hand.

He does the same and smiles softly, his lips only slightly curling. "I think tomorrow. It barely skimmed my calf."

Leo's eyes glance down at our hands in confusion, drilling them back into mine. "What's up with the hand holding?"

I feel the urge to snap my hand away, but I don't, only holding Jason's hand tighter, he does the same. "I like it."

"Me too," Jason agrees, flicking my forehead lightly.

Leo clears his throat and stands up. "I'm going to find food from that cafeteria thing downstairs, I'll be back."

"You sure you can find your way back?" I laugh, glancing up at him.

He smiles. "Yeah, if not, I'll get someone to bring me back."

He leaves and my eyes instantly snap back to Jason's. His fingers lace between mine and his eyes flicker between mine. "How are you?"

I shrug and move in closer to him. "Fine, now that I'm here."

"Because of me?" He chuckles, bringing our hands to his lips. "Thanks."

I feel my cheeks heat up. "You're welcome."

"Tomorrow," he whispers, running his hand up my arms. "Want to go to the beach like you always told me about? After the questioning thing."

I grin and tap both my feet. "Oh my God, yes! It's a long ride though. I'll tell the cops to bring me back home to Jersey and you can come with me. I have enough money to rent an apartment." Considering all the money we...technically, stole. We're not perfect, and we certainly needed it the most. We don't have parents anymore, none of us. I'll deal with that guilt later. I also have a lot saved from working all of high school, I planned my whole life to leave the second I turned eighteen.

"What's Jersey and what's an apartment?" He asks, furrowing his eyebrows.

I laugh lightly. "New Jersey is a state, people call it Jersey for short. An apartment is just a type of house."

"I've got a lot to learn, don't I?" He smiles, running his hand along my thigh. My stomach overflows with butterflies, but I keep them in.

I smile and take in his entire perfect appearance. "Yeah, you do."

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