Well, Are You Happy? | 6

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Watching Jason work is maybe the most attractive sight I've ever seen. With sweat and dirt covering his face, he carries out metal fencing and knocks it down hard into the dirt. He turns around and locks eyes with me, grinning widely.

He jogs up to the two wooden logs I'm standing behind and rests his arms on them, leaning in my direction. His tongue sticks out to the side with his stupid boyish smile. God, just let me kiss the brainwashing out of this boy.

"Hey," he huffs out, whipping his short hair to the side to get sweat out of it. He wipes his upper lip with the back of his hand and doesn't break eye contact. "How are you feeling now?"

I tilt my head. "Better."

His smile widens. "Great. By the way, you have to tell me how you ended up here. Well, I know it was Gods plan for you, even if you don't believe that yet, but how did you get here? That's what you'll answer for me later, okay?"

I shake my head and smile. "Fine."

"Alright, see you Jocelyn." He jumps a little on his feet as he says goodbye to warm up for the jog back, dirt kicking up from his shoes.

I watch as he goes back to work, my eyes unable to turn away, that's until a voice sounds just behind me.

"You can't match with him."

I spin around and lock my eyes onto a girl who looks about my age. She has long brown hair and dark brown eyes to match, along with pretty tanned skin. That's probably another decent thing about this place, you get tanned quickly.

"Okay?" I say, pretending to be confused.

She rolls her eyes. "You obviously think he's a good match, but that won't happen, we reached mass capacity, so we can't have anymore children. That means, no more matching." I was looking forward to seeing one of these matching events, as long as I wasn't involved. Actually, if it was Jason, I wouldn't mind. Having sex with him...oh God, why did we have to meet this way?

I'm guessing that if I think he's a 'good match', that means I just think he's fucking hot, which in that case, I do.

"Okay," I shrug, but I know that kind of annoys me. I'm kind of getting used to this place, besides the stinging pain in my hand, disgusting Michael, and the brainwashing. Jasons the only thing keeping me sane...even though he's insane. I think that makes him cuter sometimes, he doesn't know shit about the world, and I get to teach him everything.

Even though I'm forcing myself to be content with my situation, the second I can get the hell out, you bet your ass I'm running for the hills.

There's only one thing that's keeping me from doing that right now, and that's the fact that everyone dies when they leave here. No, I don't think God is killing them, I think Michael and his guards are. That...that's scary. Of course, Jason's another reason to stay.

She gives me a once over and sticks out her hand. "I'm Rachel, and yeah I know who you are."

I shake her hand and cross my arms back. "How long you been here?"

"Four years."

This catches my attention, maybe she isn't like everyone else. "How old are you?"

"Eighteen," she replies simply. So she was fourteen. You can get easily influenced at fourteen, I just hope she was smart and she's just hiding it, sort of like I am.

I nod. "I'm seventeen. You come here with your parents?"

She snorts. "No, I have no idea who they are, I came here because there was no where else to go. God saved me, and I'm thankful for that."

For. Fucks. Sake. Of course she's brainwashed too. Targeting a little girl like that without parents, that's disgusting.

"Well, me too," I smile as genuinely as I can, even though it's completely fake.

She waves and backs away. "I'll see you around." She walks back to the nursing cabin where the mothers and some other girls take care of children. I haven't been assigned a job yet, but I hope it's that one, cooking is not exactly my strong suit, and making clothes looks like it would be hell. I know I'm good with kids, something Jason would probably appreciate.

I spot my mother sitting down next to my father, their faces scrunched in an angry way. Great, they're fighting. This place is meant to be peaceful and they came here by choice, yet here they are, fighting in the middle of nowhere. Fuck that.

I stomp up to them and cross my arms. "Well, are you happy?"

They both look up at me, my moms eyes burning holes into mine. "What do you mean?"

"Are you happy being here? Did you find the truth or whatever?" I spit, balling my open palms into fists.

My father turns to me completely, his jaw clenched. "Do not talk to us that way."

I laugh dryly. "I asked a question."

"We still have things to learn, Jocelyn," my mom says, pulling down the skirt they gave her slightly. "So shut up, and listen to what you're told."

I spin on my heel and walk away, straight to the girls sleeping cabin where I know no one is at this time. I close the door, quickly moving to my bed and picking up the pillow. My phone. I need to hide this better.

I quickly go onto it. There's no service now, weird. It was working last night, what the hell?

"Fuck," I mutter, slipping it into my pillow case again. I run a hand through my hair and sit down, needing to think.

I need to leave, but I don't want to leave without Jason for two reasons. One, I don't want him stuck in this forever, brainwashed, and who the hell knows what Michael will do to them after this stupid fence is put up. Two, I really...really like him. He's too cute, he's too nice, he's literally perfect and there's no way in hell that I'd ever let that slip. I know it's selfish, but I'm also doing this for him. Even if he hates me after, I know he'll thank me down the road.

The question is how, how the fuck do I get out of here without Michael, killing me?

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