Chapter One

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Person A: Will you be my boyfriend?

Person B: Huh?

Person A: Sorry, what did I say?

Person B: Will you be my boyfriend?

Person A: Yes, of course 

Person B: ... Wait a second-

A/N- Person A is Alex and Person B is Hank. 

Chapter One:

Hank was busy in the lab just like any normal day.

He sighs, getting ready for when Alex comes into the lab, lately the blonde has been spending all of his time in the lab talking to him. Hank doesn't understand why he does this, he just.... does it. After the whole Cuba missile crisis disaster, the angry teen had really turned around. Now that Charles spends all of his time in his study and doesn't interact with any of them these days, Alex had began to become nicer. Hank hasn't really noticed how it happened, sure he sees the little things that Alex does for them and Hank still feels stupid when he realized that the blonde was probably lonely these days.

Alex had began to make dinners for him and Sean. He would remind him to eat and to sleep. Sometimes he would storm in and grab his paw and drags him outside into the sunlight, demanding that he needs to go outside more. He would then make sure Sean doesn't get into trouble and spend time with Hank so the scientist wouldn't feel lonely and Hank realizes that he likes the company.

Hank would sometimes ramble on about what he was currently working on and even though Alex has no clue what he is talking about, he would still listen, adding little comments and questions in to let him know he was listening and trying to learn what he was going on about. The brunette liked it when Alex paid attention to what he was saying, it made him feel special. No doubt about it, the blonde was still a pain in the ass and he will never admit that he has a crush on the other teen to anyone.

Like ever.

He sighs when he hears the lab doors open and he turns his head to see that, indeed, Alex came in and grabbed the stool to make himself feel like he was at home. "Sup bozo." He says and Hank clenches his jaw. He hates it when Alex calls him that name but he couldn't help but notice that he said it with less venom. With less mocking and more... affectionate? Maybe he was just going crazy.

"What do you want Alex?" He asks as he looks into his microscope. The blonde shrugs and leans against the table and grins. "I'm bored and Sean is too busy playing his videogame, so I thought I would spend some time with you." He says and Hank ignores the butterflies that flutter into his stomach. He frowns and sighs as he looks over at him with amber coloured eyes. "As long as you don't break anything." He grumbles and Alex huffs. "That was one time." He says exasperated. "Still." He hears the other huff and he knew without looking that the other male was pouting.

Alex starts talking about what he has done during the day and Hank half listens to him as he continues to do his work. "Hey, will you be my boyfriend?"

Hank stops and blinks. Wait what? He looks over and sees that Alex was looking at him with an innocent look. "Huh?" He asks and Alex shakes his head and gives his attention back to the brunette. "Sorry, what did I say?" He asks and Hank gives him an confused expression. Did Alex really didn't know what he just said?

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He repeats slowly and Alex grins happily. "Yes, of course." He says and smirks as Hank's mind blanks. His brain takes about ten seconds to register what the hell was going on and he blinks once more. "Wait a second-"

Alex interrupts him with a gentle kiss and that little shit. He was just played, oh he was so going to get him back for this. Once they pulled away, the blonde smirks and his bright blue eyes soften that keeps distracting him. "Just go with it Hank." He says and leans up onto his tip toes to kiss the scientist once more.

Hank lets his blue arms wrap around the smaller teen and smiles in the kiss. This was going to be quite a story when people ask how they asked each other out.

And I wouldn't have it any other way. He thinks.    

A/N- Hopefully I did some justice here. I love this pairing :) 

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