Otp Questions #3

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Chapter Twenty Three: Otp Questions #3

1. Who is the most affectionate?

They both are pretty affectionate. I think that Hank would be more affectionate in front of the students while Alex would be more affectionate in private.

2. Big Spoon/little spoon?

Since Beast is so large, most of the time Alex is the little spoon. But before Hank transformed Alex didn't mind being the big spoon, secretly he loved it but would deny it if someone asked.

3. Most common argument?

Hank is just so insecure that it sometimes drives Alex insane. He would say that he loves him over and over for just the way he is but Hank just can't get it through his head. For a genius, he can be pretty dumb and Alex has his limits. Hank just doesn't know that it kills Alex, I mean makes his heart ache, knowing that Hank thinks he is a monster and that maybe, just maybe, he isn't good enough to convince Hank that he will always love him just the way he is.

4. What do they do when they're away from each other?

Alex would wear Hank's shirt. He was always loved his scent and it would make him feel safe with his scent around him, he doesn't care about the looks he gets from the students. Whenever Hank was stuck in the lab and couldn't get out of his projects, he had a picture of Alex on his main desk. He would always take a quick second to glance over at the smiling blond in the picture and he would smile fondly and it just makes his days a little bit brighter. When Alex found out about the picture, the next day when Hank entered his lab, there was sticky notes filled with sickly sweet love notes all over the desk.

5. Who reaches for their hand first?

Alex surprisingly. Everybody in the mansion knew he wasn't too big on letting people know about his emotions and stuff. He learned the hard way not to let stuff bother you and to not show that you are weak in prison. Sometimes while they are walking, Alex would let there hands brush together before slowly intertwining his fingers with Hank's. The brunet would feel so proud as Alex became more confident and reached his hand more often, soon Alex wouldn't hesitate. Sometimes he still needs to be reminded that he is accepted here and no one would judge him. He was free to make his own decisions.

6. Nicknames? If so, how did they originate?

Everybody knew how bozo started. Since Alex was in solitary for so long, he missed quite a bit of social queues and how things should be properly done. He had to relearn quite a bit of the simple basics that all adults and teenagers know for survival. The dishes, the laundry, proper cleaning, cooking, he didn't know how to do any of that stuff. He was so embarrassed about it, his defense mechanism kicked in and he turned really mean. Hank hated the nickname bozo at first but as they slowly started to become friends the term turned softer into gentle teasing and now into affectionate.

Hank would call Alex havoc sometimes because, sometimes it really suited him. What most people don't really know is that Alex can be a klutz. Especially in the mornings, he would trip over air sometimes and create a big mess without meaning to. He would get so flustered and guilty after though, Alex had felt so bad when he accidentally tripped and broke one of Charles favourite vase but the older man was quick to assure him that it was all right. They had a copy in the attic. Honestly they both always questioned why his family needed so many vases, but if it works for his family, then that is all what matters.

7. Who has the most scars?

I think we all know it's our boy Alex. He doesn't ever talk about them so no one was one hundred percent sure how he got them. Charles knows because he is a telepath and Alex gave him permission to go into his head and Hank knew the truth behind of them all, pointed each one out and told his story and how he got each one with perfect detail. Talked about how he got them from the plane crash, the different foster homes, to prison, to the x-men missions overtime. Hank knows each story and he promised his boyfriend that he would never tell another soul since he gave him that trust of letting him know. He had never once pushed for the stories, but he would, and still do, trace over them softly. Gently as if he pushed any harder it would hurt them and send shivers through the blond's body.

8. Who wears the others sweatshirts?

Alex always steals Hank's sweatshirts. Yes they were a size too big on him but that was why he loved them. The sleeves went past his fingers and the hem would go be at his mid thigh and he would wear them all day. It just made him feel safe and warm, not to mention it made Hank's beast side all happy. The Beast would be all smug because it was a way of telling others that Alex was his and nobody else's.

9. Who starts a food fight in the kitchen?

It would really depend. Most of the time it was Hank. Whenever Charles put them on baking duty they would work together because sometimes baking is just confusing. Hank sighed bored then he would grin suddenly. He would grab an egg and crush it into Alex's hair that would make his boyfriend gasp and yank away from him. Then while he would be laughing, Alex would throw flour at his face and it would then turn into a war between the two. Let's just say, Charles never put them on baking duty again.

10. Who slowly eases into the pool while complaining about the temperature of the water and who takes a full force no regrets flying canon ball into the water?

Before Hank had turned into his beast form, he would hate going into the pool. The pool was always cold no matter how hot it was outside. He would slowly go in then gape as Alex just jumps into the pool with no regrets and laugh at him. "If you jump in all at once, you will warm up faster." He would always say and Hank would sigh in defeat then jump into the pool. But after he turned into his beast form, he would jump in without any regrets with his boyfriend.

11. Who's in charge of Valentine's day?

Most of the time it was Hank. He never complained once and secretly loves to spoil his boyfriend. Alex would like to ignore said holiday but Hank had a plan all set up and Alex would never tell anyone that he was always excited to see what Hank set up each year. It was always different, of course he would do his part to complain about spending so much money on him but Hank would kiss him quiet and say just go with it.

12. Who still gets butterflies after years of dating?

Definitely Hank, he would always feel butterflies when Alex was around. He would always thank his lucky stars that out of everyone that Alex could have wanted he chose him. Alex picked him to spend the rest of his life with. Hank loves him and continues to fall in love with him even more everyday.

13. Favourite thing to watch the other do?

Alex loves watching Hank work in the lab. Sure he has no idea what Hank is doing most of the time, but he loves watching him work in his element. How his boyfriend can truly relax and just be himself without becoming insecure of himself. How he tries to teach Alex what he was doing while doing his experiments to help his boyfriend understand better.

Hank really enjoys watching Alex train. He was there watching Alex try to control his power right from the very start and he was in awe how Alex can control all of that power he has. He loves watching Alex's abilities becoming more and more powerful, discover new things he can do with his plasma. He watches as he becomes more confident with his mutant powers and winning each challenge that his plasma tries to throw at him.

14. Who starts tickle fights?

I would say Hank does. Whenever Alex would get snarky or bratty, Hank would retaliate by tickling him. Most of the time it was in private, while cuddling in bed and would run his fingers over the blond's ribcage and laughing with Alex as he tackles his lover into the bedsheets.

15. Who is more likely to start a pillow fight at an obscene time at night?

Alex would. Hank would finally get himself out of the lab and crawl into bed. Alex would grumble and sleepily ask him why he was in the lab for so long this time and Hank would sheepishly say why. Alex would furrows his eyebrows and ask him to speak English. Hank would explain again and Alex would hit him with a pillow and grumble something that didn't sound English. Hank would hit him with a pillow in reply and they would spend the next hour hitting each other with pillows trying not to wake anyone else up at three in the morning.

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