Chapter Twenty Four

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"What about the two of them getting caught in the rain?" - amcsummersgoddess

A/N- I want to thank amcsummersgoddess for sending me this lovely prompt. A gentle reminder that you guys can send me a prompt, drabble, or even some dialogue and I will be happy to write it :)

Chapter Twenty Four:

"It was nice of Charles to lend you his car. Can I ask again how you got him to agree with you driving the car?" He asks and Hank grins. "I promised him I wouldn't let you or anyone else drive the car." He says and laughs at the offended look Alex gives him. "Well its not like I can drive anyway. I never learned how to." He says and Hank nods without a response. He already knows why Alex haven't learned how to drive a car yet.

"Doesn't Erik want to teach you?" He asks and Alex gives a curt nod as he watches the scenery go by. "Yeah but he's busy doing other stuff." He says with a shrug and the brunet nods. He finally managed to fix the serum and change back to his normal appearance. Hank was quick to promise his boyfriend that he will only take them when he is going out. "It was amazing to have a date night though." Hank comments and Alex smiles as intertwines his fingers with Hank's, their hands resting on the middle console. "It really was, it's nice to get away from the others." He says and Hank lifts their hands and presses a kiss on the back of Alex's hand. "Yes it was." He responds.

Suddenly the car splutters and turns off. "Oh great." Hank mutters as he parks it on the side of the road. He gets out and unlatches the hood as Alex joins him a few seconds later. "Whelp, I might not know how to drive a car but I know it when the car is dead." The blond says and Hank can't disagree with him. They would need to call a tow truck. Hank reaches into his pocket only to find it was empty. He pats his other pocket to find it was empty as well and looks up at the clouds as he lets out a defeated sigh. "Any chance you have your phone?" He asks and Alex frowns.

"No, I left it back at the mansion charging, why?" He asks then he sighs. "Let me guess, you don't have yours." Alex states, already knowing the answer. "Yeah." He says and the blond nods. "Well, it looks like we are walking. Of course the car has to die in the middle of nowhere." He says. Alex has a point since the brunet couldn't see any houses or other cars around. The sun was setting and if Hank was doing his calculations right in his head, they still have about another half an hour walking.

"This sucks." Hank finally says but jogs to catch up with the blond, his hand grabbing his boyfriends as they walk in sync. "Yeah well at least we have more time together." Alex says and Hank smiles softly. "How is it that the angry teen finds some optimism in this situation?" He asks and Alex punches his arm. "Hey!" He scowls and Hank laughs as he pulls his lover closer to him.

They walk in silence as they walk along the deserted paved road. Both hoping that another vehicle would drive by soon. They both sigh out in content as they at least aren't alone and have each other at this time. Hank was worried about how the clouds were coming in and Alex groans loudly as thunder booms. "Great just great! Now it has to rain, I hate you too universe!" He complains loudly at the sky and its only response is to start pouring. Hank only sighed as he wraps his arms around himself. He was glad he had wore a sweater and a jacket. While walking they kept on running into challenges but they both stopped when they reached a four way stop.

"Alright, which way?" Alex asks and Hank shrugs. "Why are you asking me?" He asks and Alex groans. "Because you're the genius here bozo!" He finally snaps and shivers as a gust of wind picks up. "Ok ummm..... left I think." Hank finally says trying to remember the way back to the mansion. "You think or you know?" Alex asks. "I don't know okay!?" He finally snaps and the blond glares at him.

"How do you not know!? Okay fine whatever." He growls and turns left and storms off. Hank looks up at the sky and closes his eyes. Why was Alex so god damn stubborn? He lets out a breath and jogs again to catch up to the angry teen. He goes to apologize when he noticed Alex's consistence shivering and his teeth were chattering together. His arms were around his chest tightly and his lips almost had a blue tint to them. Hank quickly takes off his jacket, not noticing that the temperature had dropped now that the sun was covered by clouds. "Here." He says softly and wraps the jacket around the smaller teen's shoulders. "I'm fine. You need to stay warm as well." Alex says stepping away from the offered jacket.

"Alex take the jacket please? Even with the serum I still have the normal body temperature when I'm in my beast form so I don't feel the cold right now." He says and steps closer to the blond to try and wrap his jacket around his lover's shoulders. Alex was about to take another step away when Hank grabs his arm. "Please love. Take it for me." He says and this time succeeds and wrap the jacket around his boyfriend. Alex's shaky hands reaches up to grab the edges of the jacket to wrap around him tighter, grateful for the warmth.

"T-Thanks." He finally stutters out and Hank smiles at him and gives him a small quick kiss. "Your welcome. Now come on, we should be back home in ten minutes if we chose the right direction." He says and they both pick up the pace. "Hey, even though the car broke down, still a awesome date night." Alex assures him and Hank smiles. "Yeah, now lets get home, take a warm bath and cuddle together in bed all night." He says and Alex grins. "You always make the best plans bozo." He says lovingly and kisses him.

Thankfully Hank picked the right direction because exactly ten minutes later the mansion came into view. Charles had mother henned them when they walked in soaked but they grinned at each other. They quickly escaped the others to follow their plan for the night.

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