Chapter Fourteen

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Person C: Wanna go to the mall with me this weekend?

Person B: I'm doing stuff.

Person C: Oh come on! You never go out.

Person B:No, you don't understand-

Person A: *walks in* Hey guys.

Person B: *Points to A* They're stuff.

A/N- Person A is Alex, Person B is Hank and Person C is Raven.

Hank was excited for the weekend. He had everything planned out and he couldn't wait to spend it with Alex, man he was in for a surprise. Hank was looking over his plans when Raven walks in. She skips up to him and gives his a grin while jutting a hip out. Hank really didn't care for her anymore, he really only sees her as a friend. No not friend, like a sister.

"Wanna go to the mall with me this weekend?" She asks and Hank frowns. Spend hours walking around a mall to buy expensive things that you are only going to use once. It does not sound like fun at all and anyway he already had plans. He shakes his head as he looks back down. "I'm doing stuff." He says distractedly and she huffs.

"Oh come on! You never go out." She says and gives him a glare. "No you don't understand-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Alex walks into the room and doesn't blink at the conversation as he plops down onto the couch and waves at them. "Hey guys." He says and Raven nods at him then goes back to glaring at Hank. The brunet gives up on telling her that he already as plans and points at Alex. The blond raises an eyebrow and Raven looks confused. "They're stuff." He says and Alex just looks confused while Raven blushes. "Oh! Well um have fun with that and uh enjoy uh your weekend. Um, I'm going now." She says flustered and nearly runs out of the room.

"What was that about?" Alex asks and Hank smirks at his boyfriend. "Raven trying to get me to go to the mall with her on the weekend but I have plans for us." He says and Alex once again raises one perfect eyebrow. "Will I like these plans?" He asks with a mischievous smirk and a playful spark in his eyes. "Oh trust me, you will like these plans." Hank says matching his smirk. Alex hums as he cuddles up to the brunet.

"What's the plan?" He asks and the other teen shakes his plan as he closes his journal. "It's a surprise." He says and Alex frowns. "Bozo, you know I hate surprises." He states with a frowns and Hank pulls him into a gentle kiss. "I promise you will like this one." He whispers and Alex nods. "You know I trust you." The blond says quietly and the brunet smiles.

Indeed he does know.

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