Chapter Fifteen

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"Translation: you forgot" -Alexander Summers

Modern with no powers Au!

A/N- Man, there is so much snow outside! I guess that what happens when you live in Canada... 

Chapter Fifteen:

Alex walks into the house, he grinned when he walks in and hangs his coat up and toes his shoes off by the front door. Today was their fifth year anniversary together and they both had plans to take the day off work.

He just had to do a quick grocery run but he was back in ten minutes, just like he promised this morning. He walks into the kitchen and places the bags of groceries onto the counter along with his keys. "Babe, I'm back." He calls out in the apartment and frowns when he only gets silence. "Hank?" He asks and searches throughout the apartment to see where his boyfriend had went off to.

His brows furrows when he realizes that he was the only person in the apartment and he yanks his phone out.

Alex: Hey, where are you???

Hank: At work like usual, why?

Confused and hurt he sits down onto the sofa in the living room. Why was Hank at work? They had plans. He wouldn't just ditch him just for work would he? He knew Hank was busy being a doctor but Hank had told him two days ago that the Chief of Surgery had agreed to let him have the day off. So why was he at work?

Alex: I thought you had the day off? Both of us did for today so why are you at work?

He waits impatiently for his boyfriend to reply as he starts to put the groceries away, hoping for the time to pass and by the time he was finished, Hank would have replied. He finishes and Alex felt like it was to soon for it to be finished and with his heart beating, he checks his messages to see if Hank had replied.

Hank: Was that today?

Alex: Don't you know what today is?

Hank: A Tuesday?

Holy shit, he forgot. The bozo actually fucking forgot their anniversary. The blond blinks the tears back and takes a deep breathe for his temper to cool down and not get the situation any worse than it is.

Alex: It's our fucking five year anniversary!

He jumps when his phone rings and Alex already knew who was calling him. He slides the phone over to the green and brings the phone up to his ear. "Shit baby, I am so sorry. I had a surgery planned today and I was confused on why it wasn't up on the board so I just thought that the patient had changed their mind." Hank immediately gushes out and Alex looks up to the ceiling and clenches his fist. "Translation: you forgot." He grits out, counting down from ten in his mind to cool his anger down.

He knows his anger easily controls him and his family had already taught him some techniques to help cool his temper down. But the white hot anger was fighting back and he felt fucking hurt right now. "I know you must feel like shit and I am such a bad boyfriend. Please forgive me." He begs and the blond nods.

"Just come home now with flowers and ice cream and in twenty minutes. Then I might consider that this conversation never happened." He growls and hangs up before Hank could get a word out. He quickly wipes the tears that have escaped his eyes and sniffles.

He shuffles into the bedroom to get changed into his pajamas and wraps a blanket around his shoulders. He checks his phone to see that only two minutes have past and he growls. What a fucking disaster this day has become. Was it too hard to spend a day with your boyfriend not caring about the outside world?

Apparently it fucking was too hard to ask for.

In nineteen minutes with only one minute to spare Hank walked through that front door. Alex walks into the hallway and gave his boyfriend a dirty look. He closes his eyes and holds a hand up before Hank could say anything and only shakes his head as he wanders back into the living room and continues watching his movie.

Hank paused the movie and kneels down in front of his lover. "Sweetheart, I am so, so sorry. I have no idea how to fix the mistake I had made and I feel only worse knowing that I made you feel like I didn't love you even though you are the best thing that ever happened to me. Now I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I promise I will never make you feel this way again." He says and Alex struggles to hold the tears at bay. He wasn't normally this emotional but even he has his limits and he never made anyone made him feel so low.

"You can't make a promise you can't keep." He chokes out and felt a little proud that his voice doesn't crack or waver. Hank sits down beside him and places both of his warm hands onto his cheeks. "Then I will try my hardest not to make this mistake again." He whispers and Alex smiles. "That's better." He says and pulls his bozo into a kiss. 

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