Middles (1)

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         My bleary eyes could just make out the black shapes on Moose's chest, I traced them with a shaking pointer finger. Two male symbols intertwined. I tried to speak, to thank Moose, but I could only let out a whimper.
"Hey it's okay, shhhhh everything will be okay" he attempted to comfort me. I knew that it was all lies, nothing was okay. But I wanted to believe it. Moose's arms tightened around me and slowly pulled me closer and up, so that I was being held bridal style. Tucked to his chest. He walked over to a booth and sat down. I think I forgot to add something, Mike was older than me, by quite a bit, he was working at the cafe. That's how I met him, I was ordering a drink and I noticed his chest. He noticed mine, and since that day, we had bonded over being the outcasts, I don't know why Mike payed any attention to me. But I was thankful for it, he was like a father to me, closer to me than anyone else. I loved him.
"Moose I'm so stupid.." I sobbed into his apron that he had to wear for work, leaving dots of darker green where my tears absorbed into the soft fabric.
"Mouse, what did you do this time?" He half joked, half asked. I smile for what it's worth,
"I didn't help a fellow Wild..." Wild was what we called other members of LGBTQ+ member. It's wasn't a rude thing, we found it fit, for anyone who joined out small group of friends (me, Mike, and 3 others) got a animal nickname. Mine was Mouse, Mike's was Moose, and the other three where Dog, Fox, and Elk. Dog was a FTM Trans, Fox was Bi, and Elk was Moose's boyfriend.
"Stop crying" he wiped my eyes "...tell me about them"
"They where MTF Trans..I think...Her eyes..." I struggled to find the words to describe the betrayal, sadness, and hopeless eyes.
"It's okay..." Mike cradled me like a baby, it was nice, I loved him so much, why he loved me? I really couldn't tell. "I can tell that's not all you did" he prompted me to explain.
"No...but the other thing I don't feel bad about"
"What might that be?" He raised one eyebrow making me smile,
"I...I attacked Macenna" he smiled as well.
"You What?" He stressed the word what,
"I attacked Macenna, I punched her, clawed her, and I'm not sure what else....it just happened! I..I didn't plan it" I panicky scrambled to explain myself
"Don't worry Mouse, she deserved it!" Moose was the best human on the face of the earth, a close second was Elk but don't tell him I said he was second. I finally felt myself loosen in his comforting grip, relaxing after my panic attack. When, the door flew open, I jumped in Moose's grip and crawled off the booth seat under the table, my heart was going 100 miles per hour in my chest. I could only hear my ponding heart as I watched from under my safe haven that was under a table. I gasped. I wasn't Macenna like I thought, it was the Trans girl I met at school.
"Moose it's her!" I gasped trying to get air to my lungs from the guilt of seeing her, Mike stood up calmly.
"Welcome, I'm Mike, but I'm guessing you don't care about that, you wanna meet my chi-friend..."


He almost called me his child

I moved out from under the table towards her,
"I'm so sorry I couldn't help you!" I gushed my knees trembling.
"No! No! No! It's not like that! I'm just happy you noticed me! But um...Macenna called you a..a Fag...so I guess you where part of LGBTQ+ as well. And so I followed you here, hoping that I could talk..." her voice was music to my ears, I was totally and stupidly in love with her. Mike moved, supporting me,
"Well, Amber here needs to sit down, you should too, I don't want you getting hurt"
Mike was such the mom, he worried for her! All the more of his charm,
"Sure..." she gasped just as breathless as I was. "By the way..I'm Summer" she sat down across from the booth Moose sat me at.

A random thought popped into my head, and naturally I blurted it out.

"It's Sparrow!"

(750 words)

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