Chapter Five

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"Aww man! Twice in a row!? That's not fair!" Kaminari grumbled. He only had his underwear left and he'd just done his dare so he had to take them off.

"Aww Kami, do you wanna stop playing?" Mina asked.

"No it's fine. Just, just promise not to laugh and I won't laugh when it's your turn." Kaminari returned, his face heating with a blush while everyone nodded their agreement. Everyone was a little nervous now that the first private body part was about to be exposed, it was getting serious. He lifted his butt and slipped his underwear off and sat with his hands in his lap. All eyes were on him and he realised it was his turn to deal. He took his hands away and shuffled the cards.

As Kaminari dealt, Jiro's eyes couldn't help but take a quick peek at his package. It was just there. It's hard not to look when something's just on display right next to you.

She lost the next round to Mina's flush thanks to her lapse in concentration and heard "Truth or dare?"

"Truth." Jiro answered, not sure what she would be dared to do.

Mina thought for a moment before asking "What's the most overrated part of sex?"

Jiro didn't take long to answer "Oral."

Sero looked at her questioningly as Mina asked "Giving or getting?"

"Giving is fine but I've never really been into receiving." Jiro confirmed.

Mina looked back at her dumbfounded "Really!? Maybe you haven't had someone who's good at it. How many times have you tried it?"

"A couple but with the same person." Jiro answered wondering if maybe Mina had a point.

"Well there's your problem! It must have been them and not you! You need to get with someone with a better tongue."

Mina's words brought the feeling of Kaminari's tongue on her's back and she blushed slightly "Maybe you're right," she replied.

"The night is still young, girl." Mina laughed and Jiro shook her head in reply as she scoffed. That would not be happening.

Mina cackled when Bakugou looked furiously down at his cards after the next round and tossed them into the middle "Guess my shorts are coming off too." He stood up and went to undo his button but paused when he heard a groan from Kirishima.

"I traded the wrong card! I have nothing left." Kirishima whined.

"Looks like you're both shucking your pants, boys!" Mina laughed. "Wait! I have an idea, You two should help each other!"

"Why would I do that, Pinky!?" Bakugou asked as he swung his murderous gaze toward her.

"You two are the first to lose clothes at the same time it's only fair that you have to put on a show." Mina answered.

Kirishima stood up and faced Bakugou, laughing as he did. The couple of beers he'd downed had given him a little bit of tipsy courage.

"I'll undo his pants but I ain't taking them down!" Bakugou yelled to Mina.

She shrugged happily in reply "Good enough for me."

He gripped Kirishima's belt loops and yanked him closer. Kiri was so surprised that he stumbled and caught himself on Bakugou's shoulders as his hands made quick work of his button and zipper.

Feeling Bakugou's hands so close to where he'd always wanted them was like torture but he quickly remembered he had a job to do and unzipped Bakugou's shorts. He slid his hands along the waist band around to his back and pushed them down teasingly along his ass as he pushed his shorts off and wondered how long it would be before he got see what was underneath.

Bakugou stood frozen. Kirishima's hands on his ass was a key piece of his fantasies and he was really enjoying this.

"Whew, that was intense." Jiro interrupted his thoughts and Kirishima blushed lightly as he sat back down after removing his own pants.

Mina had given up trying to win, the game was too much fun and she wasn't unhappy when she lost the next round wondering what she would have to do.

"I won! I actually won." Kaminari almost shouted. He looked up to see who had lost and smiled at Mina "Truth or dare?"

"Dare me, Kami."

"I dare you to let Jiro give you a hickey."

Mina shrugged "Get over here, girl."

Jiro blushed but crawled over "Where abouts?" She asked as her head flicked back and forth between Mina and Denki.

"Where ever Mina wants." Kaminari said.

Mina gestured to her neck, right above her collarbone "Just here."

Jiro bent her head and placed a soft kiss against her neck before opening her mouth and flicking her tongue over the skin. She licked a couple of times before drawing her skin into her mouth and sucking.

Mina gasped at the feel of Kyouka's delicate lips on her neck, sucking her skin. Her neck was finally released and she licked the spot a couple more times before leaning back.

"Ohh that's a good one." Kirishima teased when he saw the reddened skin on Mina's neck as Jiro returned to her place at his side and collected her cards for the next round.

She had lost again and briefly wondered if her shirt was long enough to cover her ass as she remembered what underwear she was wearing.

Jiro rose up on her knees to slide her shorts down with a slight blush on her face. She pulled her black shirt low over her butt but not before Kirishima caught a glimpse of her ass covered only by a thin black thong.

Kaminari's eyes travelled up her long lean legs and he shifted uncomfortably, trying to keep his dick from showing how much he liked the sight.

Mina whistled as Jiro tossed her shorts beside her but her teasing was cut short when her cards lost her the next round, she thought she was safe with a pair of threes but everyone had a lucky hand and she reached around for the clasp of her purple sports bra, not able to take her leggings off just yet.

Kirishima spoke up, confused "Uh, Mina? You know you've still got leggings on right?"

"Yep." She replied, popping the p at the end but continued to unclasp her bra. She dropped it behind her as her boobs spilled free and she sat back. Resting on her hands back behind her, on full display.

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