Kiribaku Epilogue

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Kirishima drained his glass of water, bundled his clothes in his hands and made his way toward his room. He desperately needed a shower after all that.

He looked out the window and smiled ruefully at the downpour still hammering down outside. He'd never look at a rainy day the same again.

His bedroom was on the bottom floor, down the hall from Mina's and across from Bakugou's. He couldn't count the amount of times he'd looked at Bakugou's door as he'd made his way inside his own.

Bakugou scooped his clothes up and quickly followed Kirishima down the hall toward their rooms. He hesitated for only a second before he decided to act on the idea that had been bouncing around his head for the last couple of hours.

Kirishima put his hand on the doorknob to his room but was stopped by a strong forearm that wrapped around his middle.

Bakugou's heart was beating wildly in his chest as he spoke and he was sure Kirishima could feel it through his back where his chest pressed into him. "Want some company?"

Kirishima's heart did a nervous little flip as his breath tickled his ear when he spoke. The game was over but Bakugou didn't seem to care. How many times had he imagined this exact scenario or one very similar?

He turned the handle and pushed the door open. He pulled his hand back and thread his fingers through the hand that clutched his ribs. "I'd like that." He answered quietly.

Kirishima stepped through the door and pulled Bakugou in behind him, still gripping his hand. He dropped his clothes and Bakugou did the same before pushing the door closed with a soft click.

Now that they were alone, they were both a little nervous, unsure of what to do next. The reality of their nakedness adding to their anxiety, even after the day they'd had.

"Why did you want to come in?" Kirishima asked, his voice a little higher than he wanted.

Bakugou smiled a small smile at him as his eyes flicked over his body "A couple of reasons."

Kirishima scoffed at his response and went to reply before Bakugou's hand on his side stopped him. "One of them was because I really enjoyed you fucking me and I was hoping we could do it again."

Kirishima swallowed audibly in the quiet room "And the other?"

"I wanted to ask what you thought about it not being a one time thing." Bakugou asked.

Kirishima looked back at him with his own rueful smile "You wanted to ask if we could fuck more often?"

"Not exactly." Bakugou corrected as he closed some of the distance between them and looped his arms loosely around Kirishima's shoulders "But if that's all you want then that will have to do." He said next to his ear, sending a shiver down Kirishima's spine.

"I didn't say that's what I wanted." Kirishima said softly, meeting his eyes and placing his hands on his hips. "But what do you want?"

Bakugou took a steadying breath "I really like you, Eijirou. I've just been too stubborn to do anything about it and I think, I think you like me too."

Kirishima bit his lip and nodded, allowing him to continue, and not trusting his own voice not to falter. He'd been in love with Katsuki for years but had never dreamed that his feelings could possibly be reciprocated.

"So the other reason for coming in here kinda was to ask you if you wanted to fuck more often, but exclusively. As my boyfriend." His eyes had flicked down to Kirishima's chest as he spoke and a light blush coloured his cheeks.

Kirishima reached out a hand and tilted his chin up and a broad, toothy smile met his eyes as he answered "I'd really like that, Katsuki." At his words, Bakugou returned his smile with a small one of his own.

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