The Other's Epilogue

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Mina smiled at Kirishima and Bakugou's quick retreat and wondered if there would be a new couple in the squad now. Finally!

She finished her own glass of water and turned to the others, giggling, "Anyone wanna swap rooms? I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a whole lot of noise coming from their rooms from now on."

Kaminari grinned at her, "You know you're always welcome upstairs. They're probably gonna get real freaky."

Sero snorted and pushed at his shoulder.

Kaminari laughed, "What!? You know I'm right!"

They fell into comfortable silence for a while before Sero stood and reached a hand down to Mina, "Do you want to sleep in my room tonight?"

Mina beamed at the offer and grasped his hand, letting herself be pulled up. They made their way on tired legs up the stairs and collapsed onto his bed.

"Who would have thought a rainy day would turn out like that!?" Mina chuckled.

Sero laughed in return, "Not me, that's for sure." He smiled to himself as he looked up at the roof, "I don't think I'll ever do anything that wild ever again."

Mina twisted onto her stomach and faced him, grinning mischievously, "Who really says we can't though?"

Sero slowly turned over so he was facing her, "What are you saying?"

Mina shrugged, "Maybe the others enjoyed it too and it could be, well, not like a regular thing but not just a once off."

Sero snorted, "I can't imagine Bakugou and Kirishima agreeing to that."

Mina laughed, "Not them, silly, but Kami and Jiro might."

Jiro looked shyly at Kaminari from under her bangs in the now empty lounge, "Hey Kami?" The blonde turned to face her and gave her a tender smile. "I really like you." She said quietly.

Kaminari beamed, "I like you too. I'd really like to take you out on a date."

She gave him a soft smile and nodded, "That'd be nice."

"Wanna stay with me tonight?" He asked softly.

She smiled sweetly back and nodded before making their way to his bedroom.

"I'm pretty sure we both need a shower, can I use yours?" Jiro asked when they were both inside his room.

"Yeah of course." He said but pasted a look of innocence onto his face before continuing, "But it's one of those showers that only works with two people in it."

She stopped in the bathroom doorway, "You're such a dork" she said over her shoulder as she went inside and turned the water on but she couldn't help the little smile the played over her lips at his dumb joke.

She put her hand under the spray to test the temperature but flinched away from the cold water and adjusted the tap again. She tested again, still cold.

She turned to call Kami for help but he was already standing in the doorway, his arms crossed smugly over his chest. "Can I help you?"

"Your shower's cold. I can't get it to work," she huffed.

Kaminari smiled crookedly at her. "Told you it needs two people for it to work."

Jiro rolled her eyes as Kaminari reached in and turned the taps to what looked like very specific spots and the water warmed. He turned to step back out of the shower but Jiro's hand on his arm stopped him.

"You'd better stay, just in case it stops working."

Kaminari chuckled and pulled her to him, "Oh so it's ok for you to make dumb jokes, but not me?"

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