Chapter 5

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* At school*

They entered the school and went to their lockers. " Wait, what class do I have first period" " You have history with me and Soul" said Tucker as he used his robot arms to get his history things. " Well have fun in history I have the dreaded math" said Scarlet " Stop pouting you jackal and go to class" said Blake as he tried to push Scarlet but she won't budge. " I think u need to stop Blake cause she ain't moving" Soul chuckled at his determination to make her move " Welll this is sad ........Oh look it is  Noir and Jewel. cya" she said as she ran to greet her other friends . Nora and Jewel are the daughter and son  of Tails and Cream. Noir is a Black fox with one tail , And Jewel is a black  and blue colored rabbit.

Here is a pic of jewel

(here is a pic of Noir)

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(here is a pic of Noir)

" Well I guess we should get to class" said Soul as he walked away

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" Well I guess we should get to class" said Soul as he walked away. " Ok but first" smirked Blake as he ran up and jumped on Soul's back. Soul turned his head and glared at him " wanna do this or the easy way?" Soul asked with a blank face " u know u look like your father" " I know I get that a lot now answer my question " Blake did not want to find out what Soul will do to him so he decided to get off of him. "Wise choice your not that dumb" "Take it easy man" said Tucker as he lead the way to there class

When they arrived the boys sat at their seats . " Oh look it is the gay boys " said Liam the falcon, Soul was trying so hard not to say something back Tucker and Blake saw this and tried to calm the dark telekinetic male down before he does something he will regret. Soul soon calmed down and just growled quietly. Everyone know what happened last time when he lost his temper. " Just leave us alone" said Tucker as he hit his head on the table " or what u are going to rape me cause that is what u gays do right" Blake stood up and said " for the last time we are not gay get your facts straight before i set them straight for u"  every head was turned towards Blake they have never seen him ticked off before they have known him for being the all fun and games kind of guy but now they don't know what to call him. " Wow..... did not know u had it in u" said the falcon as he placed his hand on his shoulder smiling only for Blake to jerk away from him growling  and his smile quickly faded " Don't touch me jerk " Tucker placed his hand on his friends shoulder and smiled slightly at him, and Soul did the same thing but they could not tell he was smiling since he won't bring out his mouth unless he is eating.  " Alright Class please take your seats so we can begin or class.

* Time Skip at Lunch *

" Really i still can't believe it " said Scarlet as she took a bit of her sandwich " It's true i thought he was Shadow for a moment " said the glowing hedgehog trying to convince the jackle " u know Soul u are making your things float without knowing right?" asked Blake as he touched  the white liquid floating in the air ( it was milk people just to make it clear ) Soul did not replied he just sat there staring at nothing. " We should probably call Silver and Mephilis cause he is frozen again"   ( Soul is not a robot it normally happens when he need to release his anger and energy) suggested Noir " Yeah like right now before he makes the whole school float" chuckled Jewel as shook Soul slightly . Blake grabbed his phone and called home.

* At Home*

" Hey Shadow your phone is ringing " said Fleetway . Shadow grabbed his phone and looked to see who called him" It's Blake" " well answer it"  said Sonic excitedly to hear his older son's voice again. Shadow clicked the answer button the but it on speaker so they all hear.

" Hey dad"

" Blake what did u do this time"

" I did nothing and this is not about me"

" When what is this about then"

" Ummmmm........" the other end of the phone went silent 

" Blake what happen" Shadow said in a stern voice

" Well..... What do u do when some one is frozen and is making things float?"

Mephillis and Silver's eyes went wide  and yelled " SOUL IS THE ONE WHO IS FROZEN"

Mephilis grabbed  Shadow's phone " Blake i will be be there in a minute  try to get him outside"

" okie dokey"

Shadow ended the call  and Silver started to panic. " Mephy what will become of Soul" asked Silver holding on to his mates arm " I don't know let's just hope for the best " with that being said  he became a puddle of ink and went to the school

* at the school * 

Tucker slowly put Soul against a tree " Do u think he will be ok" asked Jewel with a concerned face " Let's hope so" Everyone in the whole high school came outside and looked  at the now frozen Soul.

Mephiles appeared to them he looked at his son and touched him drawing out his dark energy so he will unfreeze. " w-what happened"asked Soul holding his head . He looked up and his vision landed on his father " dad what are u doing here?" asked Soul standing up holding his head " well u froze again and if i did'nt come here to help u your mother would kill me" chief chuckled Mephilis "Well let me get going " said Mephilis as she walked away. Once he was out if sight he heard someone yell " THAT WAS YOUR DAD" the friends looked at each other and laughed. They explained everything and went back to class since lunch was over.

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