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Sleetstar- a grey tom with white flecks on his back and legs and green eyes


Flameclaw- a ginger tom with a darker muzzle and underbelly, a darker tipped tail, and amber eyes


Moonbeam- a silvery tom with broad shoulders and ice blue eyes

Apprentice, Cloudpaw


Oneclaw- a brown tom with three white paws, one white ear, and has ice blue eyes

Sunpelt- a ginger tom with a white patch on his back, one white forepaw, and amber eyes

Charfur- a grey tom with startling green eyes

Snaketail- a brown tabby tom with a long white tipped tail and yellow eyes

Apprentice, Meltpaw

Badgerclaw- a black and brown tom with long claws and dark brown eyes

Littletail- a black tom with a short tail and amber eyes

Apprentice, Mistpaw

Lizardbelly- a white she-cat with black stripes on her back and legs, lighter black spots on her belly, and green eyes

Specklepelt- a light grey she-cat with white paws and chest and yellow eyes

Robintalon- a light ginger she-cat with dark ginger paws and green eyes

Rainwhisker- a sandy tabby tom with white forelegs, white splashes on his back like rain, and bright blue eyes


Meltpaw- a blue grey she-cat with a darker muzzle and bright blue eyes

Mistpaw- a light grey she-cat with darker patches and blue eyes

Cloudpaw- a small white fluffy she-cat with a black tipped tail and green eyes


Starnose- a beautiful light brown she-cat with a white star shaped patch on her nose, and bright blue eyes (mother of Flowerkit, a cream coloured she-cat with black front paws and blue eyes)

Yellowleaf- a peach coloured she-cat with orange stripes on her face and yellow eyes (mother of Snowkit, a white tom with ginger patches and amber eyes, and Emberkit, an all white she-cat with four ginger paws and yellow eyes)


Whitemoss- a white she-cat with one black patch on her back and green eyes

Stiffwhisker- a dark tabby she-cat with amber eyes

Swiftear- a golden tom with a white muzzle, chest, and tail and green eyes

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