Chapter 13

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Lizardbelly tottered out from under the brambles that protected the nursery. She had gotten huge and round in the last moon. Moonbeam recently said that her kits were due any day now. Charfur hurried forward to support his mate as she walked determinedly to the fresh kill pile.

Snowblaze snickered at the way her legs stuck out awkwardly from her body. But it was truly a great thing that the Clan was being blessed with more kits. Cloudwhisker watched her, unusually focused. She had gotten her full medicine cat name last half-moon after that disastrous gathering.

The next morning as the sun has risen over the horizon, Sleetstar had called everyone together to welcome the new medicine cat. Cloudwhisker had stars in her eyes and she had seemed confident as she stood with her head held high. Compared to the small and distracted apprentice she had been, Cloudwhisker seemed like a whole new cat. She had knowledge in her eyes and wariness too, as her gaze travelled over her clanmates. It had lingered on Emberbreeze for a heartbeat, but Snowblaze twitched his ears and had ignored it.

Snowblaze wondered what it was like in the Star Cave. It was probably dark and damp, but he couldn't help but imagine what was down there and what it was like to share tongues with StarClan. His heart beat with the ache of knowing he would probably never go down there, unless he became leader of course. But for now he was just an ordinary warrior.

Flameclaw shook him out of his thoughts as he padded up to the young warrior. "You're going to join Specklepelt's sunhigh patrol. We're still keeping an eye on the SapphireClan border. Even though nothing has happened since the gathering, I'd rather be safe than sorry." Snowblaze agreed and the deputy padded away to the two apprentices.

It was just after dawn. The sun was rising slowly and the clouds were clearing away. A slight breeze ruffled the trees. Snowblaze had plenty of time to hunt before he had to go on patrol. He stretched quickly and then meandered out into the forest.

"Where are you going?" sounded a friendly voice behind him. Flowertail caught up and walked closely beside him. A little thrill went through Snowblaze when he saw her friendly eyes.

"I'm going hunting for a bit. I'm going on the sunhigh patrol, so I had hoped to catch something before then."

"Wonderful! Mind if I come with you?"

"Sure," he replied happily. He enjoyed having the bubbly warrior around him. She was always a positive influence on his day. Her cream coloured pelt brushed his briefly as she sped past him, weaving through the undergrowth. Snowblaze followed quickly, not wanting to be left behind.

As he rounded a thick patch of wild grass, he realized that he had lost sight of his friend. He looked around quickly, but she was nowhere to be found. The only sound was the wind rustling the stalks of grass together and her scent trail ended abruptly.

Snowblaze shrugged his shoulders. He was originally going to go hunting alone anyway, but he wondered if she was okay and where she had gotten to. Suddenly a 'thump' sounded beside him and he leaped away staring at the dead body of a squirrel.

His forepaw was raised questioningly. He prodded the squirrel; it was dead alright. He looked up as leaves rustled above his head. His ears folded back and he let out a hiss. Whatever was up there sounded bigger than a squirrel.

A sudden bundle of leaves fell and obscured his vision as something leaped down beside him! Snowblaze shook the foliage out of his face and stared into blue eyes that shined back with amusement.

"Flowertail! You scared me out of my fur!"

"I know!" she giggled outrageously. Snowblaze shoved her lightly to hide his embarrassment. Flowertail flicked her tail and picked up her catch. "I'd better bring this back," she mumbled and fled back towards the camp.

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