Chapter 2

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"Let all cats join together beneath the Great Maple for a Clan meeting."

Snowkit's ginger and white pelt trembled with excitement as he heard Sleetstar's calling. He quickly glanced over at his sister sitting up straight beside him just outside the nursery entrance.

"Remember to touch noses with your mentors when you're assigned them," their mother recapped. "And be quiet and sit up straight, this is a big moment for you both."

"I know mother, I know," Snowkit said quickly. He ducked out of the way as she tried to smooth his pelt down with her tongue.

Cats were milling around the clearing, emerging from their dens. It was early morning, the birds were chirping and the sun was peaking through the leaves at the tops of the trees. Littletail, Oneclaw, Rainwhisker, and Robintalon padded sleepily out from the warriors' den. Meltwater, recently made a warrior, was already awake and washing her blue-grey fur, it sparkled gently in the morning light. Rainwhisker stared as he walked past and Robintalon flicked her brother's ear with her tail.

Moonbeam led Cloudpaw from the medicine cat den and settled under the Great Maple. Whitemoss, Stiffwhisker, and Swiftear padded slowly out of the elders' den, stretching their stiff joints.

"What has Sleetstar got to say this early in the morning?" Swiftear grumbled, as he stretched his legs. Whitemoss flicked his ear with her tail-tip. Specklepelt passed them as she emerged from the nursery. She had started to sleep there a couple nights ago; she was expecting Snaketail's kits within the moon.

Snowkit was itching for the clan to settle down. I want to be an apprentice now! I hope Flameclaw is my mentor. He looked over at their flame coloured deputy sitting calmly under the maple tree. Moonbeam and his apprentice Cloudpaw were seated beside him, Cloudpaw looking around distracted by a fluttering moth.

Hurry up... Snowkit thought desperately.

"I want the meeting to start now!" Emberkit voiced his own thoughts. "I can't wait a second longer." She stood up and paced forward a few steps. Yellowleaf stopped her with her tail.

"Wait. We've got to walk out together." She gazed down at her kits, pride glowing in her eyes. They were her first two kits, and they were finally becoming apprentices.

The clan settled around the Great Maple and the din of muffled, sleepy conversations quieted down as Sleetstar raised his tail for silence. He looked down on his clan and then beckoned Snowkit and Emberkit forward.

Snowkit leaped up, excitement blazing through his body, right through from his ear tips to his toes. He stretched his long legs and walked forward towards his clanmates. Emberkit quickened her pace to walk beside her brother. Her eyes sparkled. Yellowleaf followed behind her kits purring loudly.

They sat at the front of the crowd. Snowkit could feel eyes boring into his back. His father sat close by, pride emanating from his fur. Sleetstar leaped down from the Great Maple and stepped towards the two kits.

"These two mischievous kits have finally reached six moons, and I think I speak for all of us when I say I'm happy to finally have them apprenticed. Maybe now they'll stay in line with a mentor watching over them and teaching them," he said amused. The clan murmured in agreement. Emberkit twitched her ears, leaning forward, waiting to be named.

"Emberkit, step forward." She stood and paced forward. "From this moment, until you receive your warrior name, you shall be known as Emberpaw. Lizardbelly will be your mentor." He nodded to Lizardbelly and she stepped forward. "You are a quick thinker, confident, and always do what you know to be right. I hope you pass these qualities on to this young apprentice."

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