Chapter 14

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A mist rose between the tree trunks and shrouded the ferns below. Snowblaze had left the camp early; he couldn't sleep. Lately Emberbreeze had been even more restless, turning fitfully in her sleep and leaving the den for long periods of time in the middle of the night.

Snowblaze had begged her to talk to him, but she wouldn't. She only ever said 'I'm fine, you don't have to worry about me.' But Snowblaze did worry about his littermate. Something was bothering her, and they used to be so close. Now she hardly conversed with anyone.

She had left the den again last night. Snowblaze had woken briefly then fell back into an uneasy sleep. Finally, unable to dream, he snuck out of the camp and tried to follow his sister. The scent trail didn't last long; the mist had obscured it until there was nothing left. But, he thought uneasily, the trail seemed to lead directly towards SapphireClan territory.

Now the ginger and white tom sat in a tree, balancing easily on the thick branch. He hoped to spot his sister coming back into camp. The sun was rising slowly, turning the sky a light pink as it gradually burned the mist away. Despite the air being wet with dew, he knew the sun would soon scorch the earth with its heat. It hadn't rained in over a moon.

Birds were beginning to twitter when he finally spotted her white fur slinking through the undergrowth. He leaped gracefully down from the tree and landed behind her. Startled, she whipped around with teeth bared and claws out. Snowblaze's eyes widened in dismay at her hostility.

"It's only me!"

"Are you following me?" she snarled.

"No," he replied confidently. He would find out what was wrong if he had to drag it out of her. "You left your nest again last night. Tell me where you go," he pleaded.

"I already told you not to worry about it."

"But you're my sister and I'm just trying to look out for you."

"And you're my nosy brother who thinks the world revolves around him."

Snowblaze recoiled in pain at the insult. Emberbreeze's eyes flashed briefly, but quickly hardened again, void of emotion.

"Just mind your own business." She stalked away from him back to camp. He followed her slowly.

Cats were stirring now. Badgerclaw, Oneclaw, Starnose, and Eaglepaw left on the dawn patrol padding sleepily through the entrance tunnel. Meltwater and Rainwhisker walked into the forest side-by-side, tails entwined. Even though they were young, Snowblaze briefly wondered when Meltwater would be expecting his kits. They were together every second of the day.

Charfur and Lizardbelly were sharing tongues outside the nursery as their two kits, Sparklekit and Shrewkit, chased a butterfly around the clearing. They had come into the world about a half moon ago. It had been a joyous night when the kits had been born. Snowblaze remembered it clearly.

The sun had set and the indigo sky was speckled with stars. He was about to head into the warriors' den to sleep when he heard Lizardbelly in pain. Charfur had shot out of the nursery with his fur sticking up in clumps.

"Moonbeam!" he called for the medicine cat as he raced over to the Great Maple, where his den was. They both hurried back to the nursery and Starnose, woken by the commotion, followed them in. Quickly Charfur was shooed out of the den and he paced the clearing restlessly.

Snowblaze kept up with his old mentor and muttered words of encouragement and comfort. It wasn't long until Moonbeam exited the nursery. Charfur raced up to him.

"Is everything okay? How's Lizardbelly?"

"Everything went smoothly, Charfur. You're a father to a beautiful she-kit and a beautiful tom. Go in and see your family."

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