Chapter 1

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"Get down from there!"

Snowkit glanced down from the branch he was gripping, his claws digging in as deep as a kits' claws would go. His mother Yellowleaf was looking up at him with worry in her eyes. He was only a tail length or two from the clearing below. Snowkit turned to see his sister clinging nervously to the base of the branch.

"Come on Emberkit, it's not that high up." This was the highest they had climbed before, but Snowkit wanted to go higher. I'll be the best climber in all of EmeraldClan!

Snowkit turned back around and edged closer to the tip of the branch, new leaf buds brushing against his soft white and ginger fur. He heard Emberkit edging along behind him, letting out little anxious mews. They were four moons old now. Snowkit knew that they weren't old enough to be apprentices but he couldn't wait. Their nursery games were starting to become boring.

"Snowkit, the branch is dipping under our weight! We should find a thicker one," he heard his sister say nervously. With one last look down to the ground he turned nimbly around and headed towards the trunk, slipping quickly past his littermate.

"If you don't get down now, you'll be cleaning the elders pelts for ticks!" their mother called from below. "I'll make sure once you're apprenticed, it'll be your only job for a whole moon."

Snowkit rolled his eyes at his sister, and she shrugged. "I really don't want to do that," she meowed. "And I know Yellowleaf will make sure it happens too. She's so stern."

"I guess you're right," he sighed. "I just can't stay in camp anymore! New leaf is here and I want to explore the whole forest!" Snowkit was so frustrated and bored; moss-ball can only be fun for so long.

They both scrambled down the trunk and landed with a little thump on the ground. Their mother came over and immediately started licking the ruffled fur on Snowkit's head. He tried to push her away. "I'm almost a 'paw mother, I can clean myself."

"Fine, then. If you're so grown-up, why don't you go collect the dried moss in our nest and bring it to the apprentices? Mistpaw and Meltpaw are out collecting more bedding right now." Yellowleaf bent her head and began to clean Emberkit's ears instead. She let out a muffled protest, but didn't stop their mother. He couldn't blame her for not wanting to say anything, he was sure she didn't want to have to help him with his chore.

Snowkit stalked over to the nursery and crawled under the tightly woven brambles that sheltered the den. It was nestled in the side of the gully, in a spacious cave. There was a small clearing out in front of the cave tucked under the brambles as well. That was where they ate.

The floor of the nursery was soft and sandy, and felt cool on his pads. He skipped over Flowerkit and Starnose's nest and headed for his and Emberkit's at the back of the den.

Snowkit sniffed among the nest and scraped out the dry and old moss. He messily scooped it together into a ball and rolled it out of the den. Outside along the edge of the clearing, warriors were chatting about their day and sharing tongues.

Badgerclaw picked a couple of mice form the fresh kill pile and brought them over to share with Specklepelt. Snaketail was crouched near his mate devouring a vole, but every once in a while he would glance around the clearing suspiciously.

Snowkit noticed Emberkit sitting a fox length away talking animatedly to Flowerkit, tail waving in the air. Her back was to him. A devious idea struck in his head like lightning. He picked up the clump of moss in his teeth and crouched low. His tail flicked back and forth as he crept forward towards his littermate.

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