Chapter 15

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The sun rose slowly into the sky, turning it a light orange. Snowblaze lay in his nest staring up through the hawthorn branches and into the forest above. He hadn't slept that night. Emberbreeze had left again and it seemed like he woke every time she did. Lately he had been getting less and less sleep, and he had become more and more irritable.

He had snapped at Leafpaw when she had gotten in his way causing him to trip and land ungracefully, twisting a paw. He had felt bad about it and she had been wary around him for a while afterward. But he couldn't help his anger and frustration at his sister.

Even Flowertail was keeping her distance. But maybe it was all in his head. She had been spending all her time with Badgerclaw, following him around on hunting and border patrols. It seemed like she never left his side. Snowblaze couldn't help but notice that he never outwardly showed her much love in return. But he couldn't summon the courage to confront her about it. They could do whatever they wanted.

And Mistshade had avoided him since the last time she snipped at him. The day his littermate had told him about how she was feeling. He didn't understand why the grey she-cat left him alone, but he had begun to miss the feeling of her being around. And now he had no one to talk to. Even Charfur was busy with his mate and kits. But Snowblaze couldn't blame him.

Soon the sky turned a forget-me-not blue and the cats around him began to stir. He quickly stood and shook out his fur, slipping out of the den before anyone woke up.

Emberbreeze was lying near the edge of camp devouring a shrew. He looked away and went to lounge in a spot of weak morning sunlight. As he groomed out his fur, his campmates began to wake around him.

Rainwhisker and Robintalon emerged from the warriors' den, discussing something quietly between themselves. Flameclaw, Oneclaw, Littletail, Badgerclaw, and Flowertail came next. They all crowded around their deputy as he began to hand out today's duties. Snowblaze stood and joined them.

"Littletail, you'll head the dawn patrol with Flowertail, Starnose, and Eaglepaw. Go and wake them now." Littletail nodded his head and stepped away to wake the mentor and apprentice.

"Snowblaze." He looked up in surprise at being called. "I want you to take a hunting patrol out this morning. You can take Rainwhisker, Meltwater, and Badgerclaw."

Snowblaze stopped listening as Flameclaw continued on. More warriors had crowded around, but Snowblaze's head was filled with happiness and a sense of responsibility. This is the first patrol I've been in charge of!

He still felt like a young warrior, but he supposed it was about time he had lead a patrol. He quickly looked around and caught the eye of Rainwhisker. The older tom padded over and joined him.

"Do you want me to gather the others?" he asked politely.

"O-okay, sure. Thank you."

Rainwhisker returned shortly with Meltwater and Badgerclaw close on his heels. Meltwater stopped a distance away and didn't look at him. Snowblaze rolled his eyes. Ever since that one day she had been blatantly ignoring him. Her and Mistshade were always whispering to each other and glaring at him when he was around. I don't understand! But I don't have time for disobedience. He thought firmly.

"We're going to go hunting by the meadow," Snowblaze meowed confidently. "The sun still isn't fully up, so the heat won't be too bad yet."

Badgerclaw nodded in agreement and Meltwater put her nose in the air, but she didn't object. Rainwhisker looked at Snowblaze apologetically. The young tom shrugged his shoulders and lead his patrol out into the forest.

The grasshoppers and cicadas were already buzzing loudly around them. The sun was just breaching the horizon and it seemed to Snowblaze that ever leaf was outlined in the golden light. It was beautiful and he inhaled the scents of the forest around him. He was a warrior of EmeraldClan and he was leading his own patrol!

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