Chapter 10

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The screech made Snowpaw's fur fluff up in fear. He whipped around, dropping his mouthful of vole, as Robintalon torn through the brambles that surrounded the camp. Her ginger fur was bristling.

Sleetstar bounded down from his perch and Specklepelt raced out from the warriors' den. Stiffwhisker and Swiftear, who were sunning themselves in the middle of the clearing, bolted upright and stared at Robintalon.

"Who's attacking?" Sleetstar demanded.

"SapphireClan! We were on border patrol and caught them on our side and they wouldn't back down!" she explained breathlessly. Her green eyes sparkled with the light of battle.

"Flameclaw! Who's around?" Sleetstar whipped his head around looking for his deputy, his tail lashing.

"I think he's out hunting," Snowpaw said quickly. "But I'm here, I'll go help!" He hoped Sleetstar would let him; this would be his first battle! I'll show those mangy fish-eaters who they shouldn't mess with.

"Okay, you and Specklepelt join Robintalon's patrol, and hurry! Anyone you see in the forest, take them with you."


"Let's go!" yowled Robintalon as she turned and ran back through the tunnel. Snowpaw's amber eyes lit up with adrenaline. His heart pumped wildly as they sped through the forest. His strong muscles stretched and contracted as leaves whipped past his face.

He began to hear yowls echoing up ahead and he knew they were getting close. Robintalon rounded a tree and there were suddenly cats wrestling and clawing each other with vicious determination.

Snowpaw froze, but quickly shook off his fear as Robintalon and Specklepelt leaped into battle. Oneclaw was lunging for the SapphireClan deputy Watershine. She escaped his claws and leaped on his back. Oneclaw quickly used his greater weight to drop to the ground and roll onto his back, squishing the young warrior. She yowled and writhed under him and they rolled away screeching.

Charfur and Littletail were tussling with Crumblerock and Sunfire. Sunfire's golden pelt was stained with red as blood gushed from a long scratch down hi flank. Snowpaw watched as Crumblerock nimbly avoided flashing teeth and reared up, catching Littletail with long claws. Nearby Snaketail chased a grey tom off into the enemy's territory yowling in fury as he followed him, his tail twice its normal size.

"Get! Off!" A furious voice came from his right. He turned his head and saw that Emberpaw was viciously tearing at Petalpaw's pelt with her hind legs as she shoved her face into the ground with her forepaws. Petalpaw was screeching in pain. "Get off me!" the SapphireClan apprenticed yowled again, but Emberpaw refused. Despite Petalpaw being from the enemy clan, Snowpaw took a step forward to help her.

Suddenly Snowpaw was knocked on his side and the breath was violently pushed from his lungs. As his vision cleared he looked up and saw Kestrelfur bearing down on him, her claws glinting in the weak sunlight. He scrambled to his paws and escaped a mouse-whisker from her forepaws slamming to the ground. He turned and, thinking quickly, bit down hard on her hind leg. The dark brown she-cat let out a yowl of rage.

"You mangy apprentice! I'll show you!" She shook him off and Snowpaw stumbled backward.

Flowertail raced up at that moment and slashed at Kestrelfur's ears. She took both cats by surprise. Regaining his composure Snowpaw reared up to claw at her muzzle. Together they drove her back to her territory, matching swipe for swipe. She howled in frustration, but then Kestrelfur turned and fled home.

"And stay out of our territory!" Snowpaw screamed after her. Satisfaction ran deep through his body. He turned to the cat standing beside him.

"Thanks!" he breathed. Flowertail simply nodded and jumped to help Robintalon fight off a strong dark tabby. He had her pinned against a tree trunk, her expression one of rage and fear. Snowpaw watched as Flowertail snuck up behind the tom and dragged him backwards with her claws fastened deep in his skin.

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