Chapter 3

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The moon rose full into the night sky and Silverpelt shone above. Together they lit up the forest with a pale silver light. Snowpaw gazed around in wonder; it was eerie and quiet, but beautiful too. He loved being out in the night, especially now that the weather was turning warmer during the day, but the evenings were still cool.

He saw Sleetstar flick his tail in the corner of his eye and as one the group of cats rose and surged forward into the night. The moonlight dappled the forest floor as Snowpaw and Emberpaw tried to keep up with the rest of the patrol heading to the Ravine. They were going to their first gathering.

As they crossed over the border, RubyClan's thick scent wreathed his senses and made him a little dizzy. The forest here thinned out and the ground became rockier. Snowpaw had to concentrate not to stub a toe or tear a claw.

"This is so exciting!" panted his sister breathlessly. "We must be almost there." She looked back ahead and sped forward, belly low to the ground. Snowpaw caught up with her as the group began to slow down. Sleetstar halted and EmeraldClan bunched around him. Flameclaw stood beside their leader. Sunpelt, Badgerclaw, Lizardbelly, and Moonbeam crowded around the top of the Ravine.

Snowpaw squeezed through after Emberpaw to look down into the Ravine where the three Clans gathered every full moon. His eyes widened as he took it all in. The Ravine was huge!

There were ledges and a narrow path that led down into the bottom where the ground was rocky, but clear of any big boulders, except two, that towered a couple of fox lengths high. The one smaller one leaned up onto the taller rock, their grey, notched surfaces shimmering with frost in the night. The other two Clans were already there, mingling and talking amongst themselves.

Sleetstar motioned for his Clan to follow him down the steep wall of rock. Snowpaw picked his way down carefully, falling behind. When he got to the bottom, Charfur stepped up beside him.

"This is your first gathering," he said. "Make sure you don't say too much. I know how you young cats like to brag." He had a twinkle in his eyes.

"This is a time to learn about other Clans, but make sure you don't tell too much about your own Clan," Snowpaw repeated what his mentor had told him before they left. "I know Charfur."

His pelt was itching to explore. Flowerpaw and Mistpaw led him and Emberpaw to a little group of apprentices. Flowerpaw introduced them to Birdpaw and Hazelpaw of RubyClan. They were sitting beside each other; Birdpaw's dark brown fur was brushing up against Hazelpaw's, lighter brown. Birdpaw had white markings that shone in the moonlight and Snowpaw had to tear his gaze away from the beautiful she-cat as Flowerpaw introduced two toms.

"This is Barkpaw and Talonpaw." She motioned her tail towards the two toms that looked almost identical with their dark brown pelts and flashing amber eyes. "And Petalpaw and Honeypaw," she added. "They're all from SapphireClan."

Honeypaw stood, her golden pelt rippled over her strong muscles. "Welcome. This must be your first gathering. You can sit next to us." She sat back down and Petalpaw scooted over so the three of them could sit. Immediately Mistpaw and Honeypaw began talking to each other with their heads bent close.

Flowerpaw and Emberpaw joined in with the conversation, but Snowpaw only half listened as he gazed around in awe. The walls of the Ravine towered high above their heads. There was a cave on one side; its dark entrance left a curious feeling in Snowpaw and his paw pads prickled. The medicine cats were sitting outside of it, as if they were guarding the cave.

"That's the Star Cave. I saw you looking over there," Birdpaw nodded towards the medicine cats. Snowpaw turned and looked up at her, she was much bigger than him.

"Is that where they meet every half-moon?" he asked her. Birdpaw nodded and Snowpaw looked back in wonder.

Warriors were walking around and elders were sharing tongues. Tawnystar and Wingstar were seated on the taller rock and Sleetstar scrabbled up and sat on the lower stone. Tawnystar yowled for the gathering to begin. The group of apprentices settled in beside each other. Charfur and Lizardbelly were sitting nearby. Littletail and Oneclaw sat next to them as well as some from other clans.

Snowpaw felt intimidated to be surrounded by so many warriors. He was only just made apprentice after all. Wingstar of RubyClan began her account, but Snowpaw wasn't paying attention. He was staring at a particularly well-muscled warrior. His fur was grey, but it shone with a red tint in the dim light. He couldn't help but feel small in comparison.

Tawnystar continued, and when Sleetstar began to speak, Snowpaw finally pricked his ears. He noticed Emberpaw was leaning forward, her small muscles tensed as she waited for their leader to announce their apprenticeship. He mentioned that prey was running well and that they haven't had any trouble from predators in a while.

"And we have two new apprentices gracing us with their presence tonight." Snowpaw sat up straight. Sunpelt and Yellowleaf were purring loudly. "Snowpaw and Emberpaw." He called their names loudly. His clanmates followed suit and then the other two Clans joined in on calling their names.

"Snowpaw! Emberpaw!" Honeypaw, Hazelpaw, and Flowerpaw called out their names loudly. Emberpaw was sitting straight beside him, but he could feel her trembling under the gaze of so many cats. Snowpaw felt uncomfortable too, but wouldn't back down or look scared.

Sleetstar wrapped up his account and then the three leaders jumped down onto the grey rocky ground. Tawnystar called to her deputy Watershine and they gathered their clanmates around them. Barkpaw, Talonpaw, and Petalpaw hurried to leave with them. Honeypaw called a farewell over her shoulder to the new apprentices.

"I'll see you next time! Maybe as a warrior." Her amber eyes sparkled.

"Good luck!" Flowerpaw called after her. "I wish I was going to be a warrior soon too," Flowerpaw whined as she turned back to the other apprentices.

"Me too," said Hazelpaw. "But I feel like it'll be a while still."

Wingstar quickly called RubyClan and they gathered to leave. Snowpaw noticed how broad-shouldered and well-muscled the group of warriors was. Even one of their elders looked formidable with a scowl and fluffed up brown fur.

"We've got to go now too," said Birdpaw. "But maybe we'll see you next time."

"I hope so!" Emberpaw said in a friendly voice.

Birdpaw and Hazelpaw left to join their clanmates as well, and Sleetstar gathered EmeraldClan around him. They clawed their way up the Ravine wall and ran home back to the forest.

Snowpaw was in awe. He had never seen so many warriors in his life! They all looked so strong and fit, he knew he needed to train a lot before he ever met any of them in battle. Even Barkpaw and Talonpaw were bigger than him.

Iwill be the strongest warrior in all the Clans, he vowed. He was going to train so hard to bethe best he could be for his Clan.    

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