Chapter 3

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I picked up my phone and opened the message.

"You excited for tonight? You're so lucky. Bitch, why can't I be you." - 'Addison(-:'

"I could say the same for you lol, and but honestly, I think I'm more nervous than excited. I'm not really freaking out though. But, it will be just Niall and his family I think anyways. My mom said he's going with a few people. I'll text you later how it goes" - Me

"Okay make sure you do text me. I would be too, just make sure to stay calm around them, you don't wanna look like one of those total crazy fans even though you're not. I'm pretty sure they can get annoyed with them. Especially cause this is their private time, going out to dinner and all. But I doubt you'd even do that anyways, atleast I hope not lmao. Ok sorry I'm rambling now- 'Addison(-:'

"Yeah of course, I would never do that there. I gotta go now, talk to you later.  byeeee gf " -Me

"BYE lady friend"- 'Addison(-:'

Oh how I love Addison. We've been best friends since 5th grade. Ever since we've grown to be like sisters. My mom also loves her. She's basically apart of the family.

I finished my hair and clothes. I still had around another hour left until I left to go to Grazzianos. So I decided to go downstairs and watch 'One Tree Hill' in my living room. I love that show, Nathan Scott man, ugh he kills me.

I watched two episodes, then that's when I noticed the time. 6:10 pm. I decided to leave because I was walking to Grazzianos. I didn't have my liscence yet. I didn't really need it anyways, I feel like I can walk anywheres I go, from the area I live in. Addison still tries forcing me to go for it though so I can take her shopping or to the beach whenever she wants.


I arrived to Grazzianos after a 10-15 minute walk. Luckily it wasn't that chilly out. I saw my mom in the kitchen she gave me a quick smile as she was cleaning the dishes. It was 6:35 so there was still some people at the restaurant. The normal time it closes everyday is 7:00 pm. I grabbed a black waist apron that was already on the counter which I was assuming was mine. I took it and tied it around my back, then slipped the notepad and pen, and also my phone into the pockets of it.

While I waited, I was in the back of the restaurant cleaning off tables that just been used. I checked my phone to see the time it was 7:03 pm. The restaurant had it's closing time already, that means Niall would be here any moment. After cleaning 3 tables I heard my mom, but didn't see her.

"Hello everybody. I'll be glad to take you guys to your table. Your waitress will be there with you all in a moment."

I looked over the wall slowly to see who was there. Before I saw who was there my mom yelled to me.

"Kate! Come here." She called out. It didn't really matter how loud anybody was here right now because there was 3 workers here only, counting me. Then whoever Niall was with. I walked over across the wall. Then that's when my heart dropped. It was all of them.. One Direction. My heart started to race, and I felt sick. I was so scared, I really had to be there waitress. This is some cliche movie shit right here, oh my god. I just stared at them. Kate you can do this. Then I came back to reality.

"Honey, okay go ask what they want to drink." She smiled and patted my back, motioning to tell me to go over there.

Tell me again why I accepted to do this, here we go.

***Harry's P.O.V.***

All of the boys were looking at the menu, while Liam and Niall were talking about something else that I wasn't paying attention too. A waitress arrived, but I didn't look up.

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