Chapter 10

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As I standed there in shock of the view I saw, I quickly said to myself 'What the hell is she doing kissing him? Liam?' Before I was going to open the sliding door to ask them what's going on, I decided to tell Harry about it. It's not like I was mad or anything, I'm actually happy for her.. Isn't Liam dating some Danielle girl though, I think I saw he was in a magazine from a month ago. I'm not sure. I'm just shocked? That's all. Like, they became 'friends' fast. We've only been here for a few hours and then I end up seeing them together like that. 

I walked past the cozy living room that still had the T.V. on, then turned to the hallway leading to where Harry's room was. Before I went inside Harry's room, I decided to lean in the other living room they had at the end of the hall. It was a really nice one, all looked newly furnished, in the left corner of the room there was stairs to go upstairs.  The thing that was different with this living room, it seemed more of the guys type. It also seemed like they hung out in this room more, counting that there was 2 laptops on the black couch, chip bags on the floor, and some shirts scattered around. While I still was scanning the living room, that's when I felt two hands wrap around my waist causing me to jump a little, while a shiver went down my back. 

"Jesus Harry, you scared me!" I yelled. 

"Sorry love, what are you looking at? And did you talk to the guys and Addison?" He asked me. 

"Nothing, just wanted to look around. And uhm yeah, I was gonna tell you something about that.." As I said that, I turned around to face Harry, lying against the wall of the hallway. While Harry stood there with his green eyes staring me down. 

"Yes?" He asked me with a cute half smile.

"Well before I went to the bathroom, I went into the living room to find Addison and the guys first. And they weren't in the living room, then I heard a bang from outside?! But, it was only the neighbors. Then seriously, I was like shocked.. I saw Liam and Addison.. kissing sitting outside in the grass? And isn't Liam in a relationship?!"  

"Whoa, what? Liam? Never knew Liam would do something like that, especially to Danielle. Danielle is annoying anyways."  He said while laughing.

"Haha oh my god Harry, come with me to see them, I wanna talk to them!" I said smiling at him, as I walked off out of the hallway into the main living room. Right when I was about to open the sliding door, while Harry stood behind me I noticed, they wern't even there anymore. 

"What the hell, they're not even there anymore? Oh well.. I'll ask them later, where is even the other guys?" I asked back around to look up at Harry. 

"Yeah we can ask later, and maybe the guys went out to get food or something. Come on, now we finally have the living room!" He said smiling at me. 

"Alrighty!" I gave a small giggle, and went to sit down on the couch with my legs spread across the couch, as Harry went to get the remote countrol off the coffee table. When Harry came back to sit with me on the couch, he lifted my legs and put them over his lap, so my legs layed on him.  

Harry and I continued just watching MTV, music videos always leaving comments about it, joking about them and laughing a lot.  There was nothing else on T.V anyways. After laughing really hard on one of Harry's comments, I thought for a bit staring at the coffee table that was infront of the couch.

"What are you staring at Kate?" 

"Oh, I didn't realize I was staring. I was just thinking." I giggled to make it seem like I wasn't thinking of anything serious.

"Thinking about..?" Harry trailed off for me to finish the sentence. 

"I don't know.. Basically us, Harry. Like what are we now." I said, now looking into his green eyes that were also staring at me.

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