Part 1

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"Looks like a quiet night tonight H" Scott says as he comes out of a cubicle, he's just been with a patient, he writes a few things on his clipboard before handing it to one of the nurses.

"I could use a quiet night, last night was brutal" Harry says.

"Come on Dr Dangerous, suck it up" Drew laughs as he and Jax come from behind the Doctors desk in the middle of the ER.

The boys laugh at Drew's Comment.

"Is big bad Harry Styles getting a bit tired" Edward then teases too as he comes over to the group.

"Oh shut up" Harry jokes.

Harry, Drew, Scott and Edward are all Emergency room doctors at London hospital, it's the main hospital in the city and is very very busy most of the time. They all live together and usually have the same shifts, or at least with one of the other.

They all met at medical school, bonded as best friends and have never looked back. First chance they got they brought a stunning London penthouse and are living quite happily together.

Scott being 30 and the oldest of the group has short brown hair and kind grey eyes, he and Edward are in a relationship and have been for six years. Edward is 29 full of life, with brown hair and blue eyes. Both men have tattoos and are considered considerably gorgeous.

Drew is 29, blonde hair blue eyes and tan skin, he's beautiful both inside and out and has a heart of gold. He and Jax who's a nurse are together and have been for three years. Jax is 29 with brown hair and brown eyes, all boys are very good looking and those doctors that people only think exist on TV.

Harry, is 28, single, with brown hair and gorgeous green eyes, he is stunningly beautiful, muscly, covered in tattoos but he's kind eyes say it all. He's a gorgeous person but doesn't take shit from anyone. Scott is much the same, although their beside manner can be quite cold, they are nothing short of kind and caring outside work and when it matters.

Scott nicknamed Harry "Dr Dangerous" for his mystery persona that he gives off, Harry is very charismatic and will do just about anything to save a patients life, by the book or not. He's one of those guys who is sharp and witty but so cool and mysterious. The name has just stuck and the boys always have a good laugh about it.

The boys all jeer at Harry, the ER is unusually quiet this morning and it does come as a slight relief, they know it will pick up soon though.

"I'm doing a double tonight, you guys off at 7?" Harry asks,

Every month they each do a double shift, a full 24 hours in Emergency, they use the on call room to nap between patients but it can be quiet exhausting.

"Yep outta here at 7, We will bring you breakfast in the morning" Jax says smiling.

"Thanks boys" Harry smirks.

They always look out for each other, knowing the others limits and when they need to pull back. Everyone is always jealous of their close friendship and many have tried to join along the way but have had no luck, they don't take kindly to newbies and stick together as much as possible. Harry knows he has to get the guys approval when he decides to settle down with someone, it was way easier for them, all already knowing each other, but it's clear that Harry will have to outsource which he's often teased about. He just hopes when the time comes, it's an easy and smooth transition and hopes he doesn't have to choose between his relationship and his friends who are his family. He wouldn't know what to do and it would break him.

"Drew room three!" Nurse Sammy yells as she and two other nurses wheel a patient through.

"No rest for the wicked, see you at lunch" Drew smiles and he's off all intimidating to see to his patient.

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