Part 10

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Four days later and Louis is starting to feel a little more relaxed, nothing much has happened, the boys each have a security guard to escort them to and from work and to wait around the hospital while they are on shift. They are all burly men, who don't really talk much. Louis' guard though, he's something else. He's a big buff man and could crush Louis in a second, he's the nicest, biggest teddybear though and Louis adores him. His name is Theo and Louis calls him teddy.

Teddy usually waits at the door to the apartment, as Louis doesn't really go anywhere, sometimes though Louis makes him come and watch tv with him or Louis will just sit in the entryway and talk to teddy while he keeps guard.

The boys are all at work and Louis hasn't eaten and he just wants to sleep a little bit before Harry gets home, he still isn't sleeping very well.

"Why don't you hop up to bed kiddo" teddy says from the entrance to the penthouse, Louis is sitting on the floor against the wall he hasn't moved in a few hours, just talking to teddy every now and then.

Louis sighs.

"Yeah, okay" Louis says.

Teddy smiles, "Keep your phone on you please" Teddy says.

"I will" Louis smiles.

Teddy smiles back at Louis and watches as he walks up the stairs. Louis is adorable and Teddy liked him instantly, he's such a kind hearted kid and what he went though has Teddy seeing red. If Noah or Troy even attempt to come near Louis he won't hesitate to snap their necks.

At the hospital, Harry and the boys are finishing up when Kimberly comes over.

"Hi boys" she says a little solemnly.

"Hey kimmo, what's up?" Drew says smiling.

"Can we talk in private?" Kimberly asks.

The boys look at each other,

"Yeah sure" Scott says.

They walk to the break room and take a seat at the table, thankfully it's empty and Harry makes sure to close and lock the door,

"Has something happened?" Edward asks,

Kim sighs,

"I've been looking into a few things and, this case just keeps getting more intertwined" Kimberly says.

"What do you mean?" Harry asks

"Troy and Karen had another son, Dominique. He was three when he died, he was hit by a car when he was crossing the road with his mother" Kimberly starts.

"Shit, that's awful" Jax says.

"Yeah, and Louis parents, his dad in particular, represented the driver of the car. Got him off with a medical issue, they managed to get the Bolton's a $500000 pound compensation payout though" Kimberly says.

"Oh fuck" Harry says.

"Yeah and the more I look into it and, the more I talk to Andy, we think, Louis parents accident, wasn't....wasn't an accident. We think Troy orchestrated it" Kimberly says heartbroken.

"Holy shit" Scott says as he runs his hands over his face.

The boys can't believe this.

"Dan and Jay, didn't have a choice when it came to representing the driver. There is even paperwork lodged to get them off the case but they would have been disbarred. They tried to get as much settlement as they could for the Bolton's but Troy and Karen still went after them" Kimberly says.

It's silent for a while as the boys take all of this in, they can't believe Louis keeps getting knocked down, it's just not fair.

"Can they be charged? For organising the death of Louis parents?" Scott asks.

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