Part 18

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When Louis wakes up next he is still in Harry's bed, surrounded by hospital equipment, he's hooked up to drips again and the oxygen is back in his nose. He huffs and takes the tubes out of his nose, he hates them

"Uh uh uh, don't even think about it " Scott says from beside the bed.

Louis looks to his left and sees Scott reading a book in Louis bed, smiling knowingly as he doesn't even take his eyes off his page.

"But I.."

"Hate them I know" Scott smirks finally looking at Louis.

"Darling, if you think for a second we are going to go easy on you just because you got us to agree to look after you here, you've got another thing coming" Scott smirks.

"But I don't want it" Louis coughs.

"Louis, you are so lucky you even made it back to the apartment let alone a few hours with out the oxygen to help you. Being in the snow for two hours while you walked home has complicated your chest infection. You are so lucky I'm not admitting you back into intensive care right now" Scott says dominantly but with love.

Tears prick Louis eyes as he thinks he's upset Scott and the boys and having Harry nowhere in sight doesn't help his worries.

"I'm sorry, I am, I didn't mean to make you mad I just wanted you and you can send me away I'm sorry" Louis sniffles as he wipes his eyes with his sweater paws.

Scott sighs, he gets off Louis bed and walks around to Harry's bed so he's on Louis right side. He gets in next to Louis and brings Louis over his chest, holding him close.

"Listen Sweetheart, I'm not mad at you, I could never be mad at you, I was just so worried and so were the boys. We already thought we had lost you once and going through that again wasn't easy" Scott says.

"Lost me once?" Louis asks confused.

"When Troy took you darling, coming home and finding Teddy dead and you missing was heartbreaking and something we don't want to ever go through again, the boys and I were beside ourselves. You should have seen Harry" Scott says at the memory.

Louis hasn't brought up what happened and neither have the boys, he can't remember a lot and just wanted to forget it ever happened. He has no recollection of Teddy dying though and Louis gets upset.

"I.....I....didn't know Teddy died, I didn't know" Louis says as he turns into Scott's chest and cries.

"Oh kiddo, I'm so sorry"Scott tries to console him.

"It's all my fault he died, it's all my fault" Louis cries.

"No darling, nothing is your fault, I promise you. Troy and Noah got what they deserved and are behind bars for the rest of their lives. You're safe now kiddo and you're ours now and we are so thankful for that" Scott says holding Louis close.

Louis is overwhelmed with all this news, he ends up just crying himself back to sleep, Scott holding him tightly.


"He kiddo, we have someone we would like you to meet" Harry says as he comes into the room. Louis is watching some TV with Drew.

Louis looks towards Harry and the boys as another man walks through the room.

"Lou, this is George, he's our lawyer and he has some news for you" Edward says.

"Hi Louis, it's so nice to finally meet you" George says and Louis smiles in response.

Everyone sits around the bed and gets comfortable.

"Am I in trouble?" Louis asks.

"No kid, we just have some news" Scott says.

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