Part 13

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"You sure you're okay to go to school, you didn't sleep very well Sweetheart" Harry says at breakfast time, the boys are all ready for work and Louis is dressed for school, bags under his eyes again. He's slowly eating a piece of toast.

"Yeah, I'm sorry" Louis apologises to Harry for the third time that morning.

"Baby, please stop apologising, I'm worried about you, nothing else" Harry says.

"Well, when someone dies because you're too tired to do your job properly because I keep you awake all night, that's my fault" Louis says.

"No Louis, it's not and I get sleep at work if I need it, you're not sleep depriving me, I'm used to it anyway" Harry says.

Louis sighs and tries to go back to his toast.

"Look, if you need us today, don't hesitate to call us okay, we will drop work and be right there okay" Scott says and Louis nods.

He gets off the stool and heads to the front door, he picks up his bag and puts one strap over his shoulder.

"So I don't have to go to English?" Louis asks shyly as he turns around to say goodbye.

"No Darling, you don't" Scott says smiling.

"Thank you" Louis says.

"Of course kiddo, now go ace soccer tryouts" Harry smiles.

Louis smiles slightly and walks out the door with Teddy who is waiting by the lifts.

"I'm worried" Scott says.

"He was doing so well" Harry replies.

"It's the trial, like Joey said it's on his mind, maybe we should bring it up and talk to him about it?" Scott says.

"Yeah, Kimberly and Andy called, he's been summoned to the stand" Harry says.

"Fuck this, we need a meeting with the boys and Joey, he's going to regress and we need to be prepared for that" Scott says.

"You're right, I'll organise everyone for tonight" Harry says.

Scott nods and they get ready for work.

Louis school day goes by smoothly and he's happy enough, especially when he can skip English and hang out in art class drawing with his favourite teacher Mrs J.

After school Louis and Jake and their group of friends all head to the Fields for tryouts, last time Louis was on the junior team with the whole group, they all made it. This year though, Louis isn't so confident. He is smaller than absolutely everyone, skinnier and just tiny. He's not confident at all.

When he's back on the field though, Louis plays his heart out and he finds himself back in the game, like he never left. His slight stature allows him to slip between players easily and Louis is fast. He kills tryouts and everyone praises Louis on how amazing he is, even coach who's usually a hard arse gives Louis a wink and smirk at the end.

Louis is sitting with the rest of the boys cooling down as they watch the University team start training, they use the London elite fields as they are attached to the uni.

Louis is taking a sip of water when he looks across the field and clear as day, he sees Noah looking back at him. He has a cold look on his face, like he wants to murder Louis. Louis heart rate picks up and he pulls his phone out to call Teddy. Teddy is at the front of the school though as he isn't allowed in the gates unless there is an issue. It will take him forever to get down to the fields. Louis messages him anyway and then he gets up to call Harry.

"Lou?" Harry answers on the first ring.

"Harry, Noah is here, he's watching me" Louis chokes.

"Where's Teddy" Harry asks,

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