Part 15

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"He's in intensive care, dislocated shoulder, cracked skull, shattered right rib. We removed his spleen, his kidney is severely damaged. He had severe internal bleeding from a stab wound on his left hand side. He has pneumonia and his chances are slim" Harry relays to Jax, Edward, Andy, Joey and Kimberly as they meet in the waiting room after seven hours of surgery.

The boys can't believe what they are hearing. They watch on as Harry finally breaks, he throws things in anger and punches a wall, he actually cries in Scott's arms. The boys following suit as they all try to come to terms with the news. Louis is everything to them, he means the world to them all and to lose him would be losing part of themselves. Harry is a mess with the possibility of losing his soulmate, the love of his life. They just cannot let it happen.

It's days before Louis is even stable enough to try to take off the life support. None of the boys have left his room and are given beds to be next to Louis. It's a solemn atmosphere and no one really talks.

The boys bring Louis out of his coma a week after the incident. Louis doesn't respond for a few hours but as the boys are turning in for the night, Louis machines start beeping and he start coming back.

The first thing Louis registers after something is pulled out of his throat is the pain, it's intense and so far nothing he's been through has compared to this. He's scared to open his eyes, scared to face pain, scared to face Troy and Noah. He can't remember the last time he was awake, he was hoping he wouldn't wake up and his parents would come to take him with them.

"Louis, darling, you're safe now" Louis hears Scott say.

"We're all here baby, you're okay" Harry then says.

Louis slowly opens his eyes. He sees the boys standing around him. His head feels like it's had an axe driven through it and he winces.

"Hey there kiddo"Drew says from beside him.

Harry and Scott are on Louis left while Edward Drew and Jax are on his right. Louis breathing picks up at the pain he's in, he isn't fully with it and doesn't completely understand what's happening. He's freaking out a little.

"Shhhhhhh, Sweetheart, just relax, you're in the hospital, you're safe" Harry explains.

Louis can hardly move and the tears come then.

"Ohh darling, it's okay, it's all okay, we've got you now" Scott says wiping a tear from Louis eyes.

"Hurts" Louis says brokenly, it's all he has the strength to say.

"We know darling, we know, just relax for us okay" Harry says.

"Lou, you hear that really loud beeping noise, that's the machines, it's telling us you're breathing to fast and not getting enough oxygen. I'm just going to but some extra oxygen on for a little while okay"Drew says.

Drew grabs an oxygen mask and goes to put it over Louis face, he's already got tubes in his nose but he needs more.

Louis doesn't like it and reaches up to take it off.

"Relax kiddo, you need to leave that on for us"Scott says gently.

Louis is so scared right now and he hurts so badly, the boys start checking all his vitals, Harry puts a blood pressure monitor on his arm, his temperature is taken and Edward leaves the room to get some pain relief.

"You're okay angel, no one can hurt you anymore" Harry says as he kisses Louis on the forehead and glides his hands through Louis hair comforting him.

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