Part 14

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"But I find out if I make the team today" Louis says frustratedly as the boys are all eating breakfast around the kitchen.

"I'm sure one of your friends can let you know kiddo" Drew says as he bites his toast.

"I want to go to school" Louis says angrily.

"You didn't sleep, again, you've developed a temperature and your chest is wheezy, you received some shit news last night and we don't want you going to school. We shouldn't have made you go back before the trial" Harry says.

"I'm fine, I don't care about the trial, I'm not testifying anyway, you can't make me and I'm not sick, just let me go to school" Louis yells as tears prick his eyes.

"We're sorry kid, we're calling it and the answer is no" Scott says firmly,

"This isn't fair, nothing is fair" Louis says angrily, he grabs a glass from the bench and throws it across the room and it hits one of the walls and smashes.

The boys turn silent, Louis can't believe he just did that. He's never acted so violent in his life.

"I'm I'm sorry, I'm sorry I didn't mean to to do that" Louis says brokenly

The boys know Louis is just trying to vent his frustration and that he's out of his depth right now. They aren't angry or upset they need to help Louis through his feelings.

"It's okay darling, don't be sorry, we can clean it up hey" Harry says as he grabs a dustpan and broom.

"I'm so sorry" Louis says as he walks over and starts picking up the glass.

"Hey, just let us do it kiddo, it's okay" Drew says.

"I didn't mean it" Louis says,

Scott comes over and picks Louis up, Louis latches on and Scott holds him close.

"Stop apologising we know you didn't mean it, we know how hard all of this is for you Lou" Scott says.

"I hate feeling like this" Louis says and Scott just holds him close.

A few hours later Harry and Scott are sitting with Louis in the lounge room, Louis curled up around them both. It's been pretty silent with the other boys at work and everyone just so drained. Harry is stroking Louis hair as he lays across Scott's chest.

"Will I go to jail if I don't testify" Louis asks out of the blue.

The boys thankful he wants to at least talk.

"You will, yes, you'll be charged and spend some time at the watch house" Harry says.

"Why, why are they making me do it" Louis asks,

"They want Troy put away, and they need you" Scott says.

"I can't look at him, he killed my parents and it's not fair, he ruined my life and I hate him, I hate him and I never hate anyone and it's not fair, he's ruining everything" Louis chokes.

"We know baby, we know, after this week is over though, Troy will be behind bars and you will never have to think of him again. Ever. This may be one of the hardest things you will ever have to do but we know you can do it" Harry says.

"We will be there, George is a wonderful lawyer and a good friend, he knows the case well and knows when to pull you out okay. It's important the jury sees your vulnerability, how much Troy has effected you. I know it's tough, I know you don't want people to see and just want to move on, but this will put Troy away and you can't move on unless he is put away for his crimes" Scott says.

"And Noah?" Louis asks.

"He will go away too Lou, we promise, if you don't testify they could get off Lou" Scott says.

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