Part 8

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"What are we supposed to tell him?" Harry says angrily.

Kimberly and Andy are in their kitchen, the boys all listening intently to what the latest news is. Louis still fast asleep.

"I'm sorry Haz" Kimberly says.

"I don't understand how it's even possible? Harry and I are standing up in court, we are testifying that Louis injuries were not self inflicted, there is so much evidence that convicts them" Scott says his voice fierce.

"They know the judge, I did some searching and the judge that is handling the case is Troy's brother, they are splitting the money when they get it, thats how it's all gone through and that's how Louis case has been pushed back" Andy says.

Harry and the boys are seething, Andy and Kimberly came over to tell them all the news in person, that Troy's abuse case has been pushed back and the adoption is being pushed through. The only person with this kind of authority is the judge, Andy and Kimberly are filing a lawsuit against him but that takes time and could take years to be heard.

"So Louis has to go back?" Drew asks upset,

"Well, Noah and Troy found out where Louis was, through Troy's brother, he's thrown your custody application out of court and Louis is required by law to go back. We could have the police turning up here any minute to escort Louis back to the Bolton's" Kimberly says upset.

"No, no way, I'm not letting him go, I'm not" Harry says angrily,

"I have guys on the inside, they will tip me off when it's happening" Andy says.

"How long do we have?" Scott asks.

"Two, Maybe three days at most" Andy says,

The boys all shake their heads, how can this happen, Louis is theirs, they aren't letting him go.

"Please, please give us some options in this, please" Scott says desperately.

Kimberly and Andy sigh.

"They want money, I can arrange a meeting, have the paperwork ready, they sign custody over to you, you'll give them the money, but they will want more, they get the money no matter what, I know guys like Troy. They will want more" Kimberly says.

"How much more?" Harry asks.

"I don't know Haz, I can arrange the meeting and we can go from there?" Kim says.

"Do it, now, please, we can meet them tonight" Scott says

"This is illegal, you're literally buying Louis, we need to do this without getting caught out" Andy says.

Scott's mobile then rings and he goes to answer it as the boys keep talking,

"Can we hide him?" Edward asks.

"That's an option, but if you get found out, you will all be stricken off and you'll lose your careers and even be up for kidnapping" Andy says.

"Can we get another judge?" Harry asks.

"We are applying for conflict of interest and hoping to get another judge on board. I know a few in the custody sector and I'll be standing there first thing in the morning to deal with it okay" Andy says.

They nod their heads in Thanks. Scott then comes back into the room.

"That was George, he said he was able to get the Tomlinson's will signed over to Louis. He's got the house and five million sitting in his bank account as we speak" Scott says.

"Can the Bolton's touch it?" Harry asks.

"No, I've been made beneficiary, George has swung it for us" Scott says relieved

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