The normal day gone wrong

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It was calm evening. Two Junkers were riding on a Harley Davidson, that belong to the bigger man. They were driving towards a cave, that they found a treasure map to. Jamis was leaning back on his sidecar, and smiled. ''Listen, Hoggie mate. Its so silent. No other people around, just two of us and a starry sky.'' The thin and slightly shorter man said, as they drove through the wasteland in the night. The bigger man nodded, looking up at the sky for a moment, before moving his gaze back to the road.

''Turn right from there.'' The shorter said, pointing a rock. The large one nodded, turning when they passed the rock. He looked around, still driving. They drove for a while, until they found a cave. ''That must be it!'' The shorter said. "What are we even doing here?" The taller sighed, stopping infront of the cave. ''We are here to check if here would be a treasure!'' Other laughed. He stepped out from the sidecar. The other nodded and got off the bike. He walked to the cave, carefully looking around.

The shorter followed. They walked far inside with only flashlights. Soon they saw golds shine. ''We found it!'' Other cheered. They walked towards the shining. They could see so much gold, and a crown in middle of everything. The shorter ran to the crown. ''Wow! Look at this Roadhog!'' He said.

Roadhog nodded, walking to a pile of gold. He ran his hand through the coins. The other was looking at the crown. ''I think this would even be my size.'' He joked, as he grabbed the crown. At the same time, Roadhog got a very bad feeling. Roadhog looked at the other junker, then walking over. The other junker put the crown into his head. ''What do you think, Road-!'' He stopped, as he fell down.

Roadhog caught him just in time, flicking the crown off of the other's head. "Junkrat?" He didn't answer. He had fallen unconcious. Roadhog sighed and carried him back to the bike, not taking any of the gold. The younger stayed passed out. He didn't wake up in hours.

Roadhog had carried the younger junker into their shack, laid him on the bed and cooked food. It took almost 24 hours for him to awake. ''Uugh...'' He voiced. Roadhog was sitting by him, face masked. "Good morning."

The other jumped. He backed away and fell from the bed. ''Who de fuck are yo?!'' He asked. "Roadhog." He answered simply, looking at the other. ''What kinda name is 'Roadhog'?'' He asked laughing. ''Thats ridiculous!'' Roadhog sighed. "What's your name then?" ''My name?'' The younger asked. He took a moment. He didn't answer. Roadhog tensed just a tiny bit. "Do you not remember?" He offered a bowl to the other man. ''I do remember me name!'' The other said with kind of a proud voice. As he noticed the bowl, his stomach started to growl.

"Jamison Fawkes." Roadhog said. ''Yes! Just that!'' The younger said. ''Me knew it all along.'' He said, hiding his emotions behind his pride. Just like Junkrat used to do. Roadhog sighed. Others stomach growled. He held it. ''Damn it! Stop growling!'' Said the younger. "Just take the food, idiot." ''I am no idiot!'' He said, but he took the food. He took a small taste of it.

It tasted pretty good for how gross it looked. The other didn't say anything. He finished eating and stood up stretching. ''Thank ya for the food.'' He said, starting to walk out. He didn't have his bombs or other stuff. Just his pants. Roadhog grabbed his shoulder. "Don't leave." ''Why wouldn't I mate?'' He asked, looking at Roadhog.

"This is our home?" Roadhog asked, putting Jamison down on the bed. ''Whot? OUR? Are you then me dad or something?'' Jamison laughed. "I'm your bodyguard. I get 50% of the loot we get." The older man sighed. ''Whot? I have a bodyguard? And I live like THIS?! Where do I need a bodyguard?'' Younger asked in confusion. "Robbing." Roadhog shrugged

''WHOT?!'' Was Jamisons reaction. ''I am no robber mate!'' "Yes. You are." Roadhog pointed to the wanted posters and other news clippings of their heists on one of the walls. Jamison backes away. He knocked down his old explosives and almost his fraglauncher. He jumped, staring at them.

Roadhog caught the bombs, making sure none of them were triggered. "Be careful you idiot." ''A-are you some kind of a terrorist?!'' "These are your bombs." Roadie said. "But yes." Others lips moved, but there was no sound. He tried to look around. ''I don't even know how to aim a gun!'' "You don't aim." roadhog handed over the frag launcher. "You don't really even need to."

Jamison got his calculations done, as he dashed towards the door. Roadhog threw his hook at him, pulling him back to the bed. ''Let me go!'' He raged. ''You can't keep me here!'' "Yes I can." Roadhog tied him to the bed with the chain of his hook.

''H-hey! Pervert let me go!'' He shouted. Roadhog sat down by the bed, rubbing his mask a bit. Jamison tried to get free. Roadhog chuckled a bit at his attempts to escape. "Does "Junkrat" Ring any bells?" Jamison looked at him. ''Junkrat? Should I know someone named after a Trash Rat?'' He laughed. "...That's your nickname." His laughing stopped. He looked a Roadhog, laughing again. ''Good joke mate! I have no nickname!'' He laughed. "You do." Roadhog shoved a newspaper clipping in his face. The headline was "Junkrat and Roadhog strike again!" and the picture had the two of them.

He looked at the picture, then reading the article. He turned pale. ''I wouldn't ever do anything like that!'' He said. "You would." Roadhog rubbed his chin. ''And why is that?'' Jamison asked. "Money. Explosions." This left the younger speechless. Then he chuckled, it was far from others normal, maniatic laugh.

Roadhog winced. That chuckle was so wrong. For Junkrat, the movement was for no reason. ''Let me go, fatty!'' He said. This gave a bad ring to others ears. Even though Junkrat was rude, he never called Roadie ''Fatty'' Roadhog stood up and smacked Junkrat's mechanic arm's joint. ''H-hey! Stop it! Don't break it!'' He shouted, now slightly scared.

"Fatty, am I?" Roadhog huffed creepily. ''O-okay! S-sorry! Just...! Let me go!'' Everything was wrong. He never talked like that. He was never scared, almost never apologized. "You're not Junkrat... You're completely different from my idiot friend." Roadie mumbled

''I said I don't know anyone called so stupid as 'Junkrat'! And I certainly am not him! So let me go!'' He said. He was mocking himself. Roadhog sighed, opening the cap of one of Junkrat's grenades, letting the gunpowder's smell waft through the air.

''Whot are you doing? Whats that smell?! It smells awful!'' Jamison said. He could smell the gunpowder, but it didn't trigger the real reaction. "Fuck." Roadhog growled a bit. ''Let me out!'' He yelled. ''Let me out, please!'' He begged with voice that shouldn't beg for... Almost anything. It started to irritate the older. "You're not that fucking helpless." Roadie growled.

He noticed that he didn't get a smartass answer. He just heard sound of chains trying to get free. Roadhog sighed, grabbing a bag of bombs.

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