Rest, my dear Mate

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Mako looked at Junkrat, then leaning over to place their foreheads against eachothers. The smaller man felt cold. He breathed through an oxygen mask. The heart rate almost dropped to zero line, but it jumped back up. "Fuck... Come on buddy..." Mako whispered, a few tears falling. He could remember Jamisons smile. His annoying laugh, his never shut upping voice, his all the time messing around.

Mako cried, trembling. "Jamie come back to me." Reyes stood up from the bed. "Lets give them space.' Jack nodded, as the two left.

Jamison was so... Emotionless. So still... So quiet... Mako looked at Junkrat. He cried quietly. "I can't lose you..." His grin. The sound of him humming. It all rang in his head. Mako leaned his head on Junkrat's chest. It was almost too silent. Then he could hear it. The zero line. It started ringing. Mercy dashed to the room.

Mako stood up fastly, giving ziegler room. He was crying. "Jamison for fuck's sake wake up...!" ''This looks bad... I doubt he will wake up anymore!'' Angela said. Mako could feel a hand on his hand, but there was nothing. The hand was small. It felt like... Jamisons?!

Mako grabbed Junkrat's hand. "Jamis!" He could feel a pat on his shoulder. "Don't go you fucking ass!" He cried. He could feel a kiss on his cheek. He teared up more, starting to weep over junkrat's body. Mercy looked at him and pet his back. Then few other medics tried to restart his heart. Nothing happened. But as they started to give up. They could hear a small. Almost unnoticeable. Beep. Mako looked up at the monitor fastly

There was a small heart beat. Everyone looked it with a shock. ''How...? Has he always been that strong fighter...?!'' Mercy asked, then looking at the boy. Mako nodded. "He's a stubborn ass." He chuckled, wiping tears. "But he's my ass.' he said in barely a whisper.

The heart rate was jumping. I went down, it went up. It went to normal, then to zero line, then back up. The medics just stared in silence. It should have been impossible. Roadhog stayed by Junkrat, holding his hand. Soon they could hear a small growling. Or well, Mako did. Junkrat was growling. He was seriously fighting.

Mako put his hand onto junkrat's cheek. "Come on mate..." "Ma... te..." They could hear a mumble. Mako pulled the breathing mask off of him, kissing him lightly. He got a small kiss back even. Something he didn't exactly wait for. His heart rate started building back up to Normal. He didn't open his eyes.

Mako let their foreheads stay together, still holding junkrat's hand. Junkrat was fighting. He did his best to stay alive. Roadhog kissed him every now and then. Soon the impossible happened. His eyes opened. The medics were shocked. Mako hugged him. "You gave me a huge fucking scare..."

He didn't move. "I... Am... Sor...ry... Ma... te..." He said. "Jamison! Don't talk! You are too weak!" Mercy said. There weren't even a grin on his face. Mako nodded. "Listen to mercy." Other just closed his eyes back. He had a small smile. Mako pet his head.

He breathed heavily. The heartrate started to jump. "Ma...ko... Don't... Stay up nights... I will... Protect you... For...ever..." He said with tears in his eyes. "You're not leaving." Mako said, sounding gentle but also strict. He recieved a weak chuckle. "Now shut up and rest... Okay?" "I'm... Tired... I just want to... Take a nap... Do I have to... Fight...? I can't... I am weak... It won't... Let me win..." "You've got to win bud. I'm here." Mako still had tears in his eyes.

"I can't... I will... Stay with you... Don't be... Afraid..." The weak junker rose his hand on others cheek, wiping away tears. "Don't... Cry for me..." Mako bit his lip hard, hugging the other. "Don't you fucking go..." Jamisons arm just dropped down. "Jamison!" Mako looked at him. Zero line. Mako cried, trying to shake Junkrat. No responce. No nothing. Just the zero line. Mako dropped his head to Junkrat's chest.

It was silenced. There wasn't any sound. His chest didn't move. Mako cried there, gripping Junkrat's hand tightly. Mercy and medics looked down. Mako just sat there, crying. He could feel Junkrat hug him, but he couldn't see anything. He cried, biting his lip enough to make it bleed.

"Mako...?" Mercy asked. "We need to take him away." "No, you do not fucking touch him..." "I understand how you feel..." Mercy said. "But I cannot revive him like Genji..." She said without thinking.

"Why not...?" Mako asked, growling lowly. Mercy went to silence. He looked up at her, a strand of hair on his face. "I... I could try though..." Mercy mumbled. "Do it." "I need his body for that..." Mako got off of Junkrat. Mercy took off everything on him, and took him away.

Mako laid his head on the bed, folding his arms over the back of his head. He was left alone. He cried. He could hear him. He could feel him. But there was nothing. "Junkrat...' he whispered. He could hear him talking about little bit of everything. Then there was a line. ''Come to me.''

"How?" Roadie asked. ''You know how.'' Said a voice. It didn't sound much like Junkrats. It sounded like his own voice with Junkrats accent. Mako looked at everything around the room, looking for something sharp.

He could see scapels. He grabbed one, making sure nobody was around. Nobody was. ''Mako... Mako come to me...'' The voice said. Mako slit both of his wrists, then ditting back by the bed. "I'm coming buddy..." He slit his throat open, laying his head on the bed. Mercy walked in. ''Mako? MAKO?!'' She shouted, running to the bigger man.

Meanwhile, Mako could see his own body, worried Mercy. And a bright light.

He watched mercy for a bit, then walking to the light. "I'm coming..." He could see Junkrat standing there. He had a shocked look in his face, but waited silently for his mate. ''Y-you shouldn't had come so soon mate...'' He said. "I couldn't not." Roadhog hugged him tightly. "I love you mate...' Jamison hugged back tightly. ''I love you too, Mate...'' He chuckled.


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