The Argument

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"Just one of seven should be enough to be separate." Reyes shrugged. Soon, they heard Winston walking around the halls. ''Nope.'' Jamison said, as the snake had keen eyes for Winston. Winston walked past them. "Why wouldn't it?" Reaper asked. "Because we found the last sin." Jamison said, running to Winston.

Reaper turned to smoke, tripping Jamison before she could get to winston. "Winston, leave." Winston looked confused but left fastly. Jamison coughed. "Asshole!" She said. "Your sin is lust, right?" Reyes asked, looking down at the younger man. "Ye?" Jamison asked.

Reaper's arm turned into smoke, the smoke slipping into Jamisoin's throat, making her barely able to breathe. "Time to sleep." "H-hey-!" She mumbled. The smoke was suffocating her, both bringing her pleasure and scaring her. Soon she passed out.

Reaper picked her up, carrying her into a cell. She stayed out. He locked junkrat up, huffing. "Problem solved..." "Is it matey." He could hear a raspy voice. "Yes." "The sins will come for me... and Mako for you!" Junkrat hissed. "Well I'm definitely not coming for you." Reaper said. "No wonder. You are small and pathentic Envy~" Reaper rolled his eyes. "Right. And you're a slut." ''And you are an angsty teen.'' Reaper looked at lust. His eyes were very very dark blue. Did he have brown contact lenses on?

''Oh~? You have been out the whole time, haven't you, Evper?'' Jamison teased. "No." Reyes shook his head. He seemed surprisingly calm. ''Yes you are.'' Jamison said. "No, it's not." Reyes sneered. "That thing is never coming out." ''Oh? And how do you know?'' Jamison asked, grinning, other eye green. "Because I won't let it." Reyes growled. The snake did a fast dash to Reyes, who turned to smoke, moving out of reach. ''Coward.'' "Smack you mouth all you want you slutty aussie."

Jamison only chuckled. ''Come at me, you angsty teen!'' "Oh you'd just love me cumming on you, now wouldn't you?" Reaper teased. ''But I won't~ What makes your blood boil because you. Have. Noone.'' The aussie teased. "I actually do." Reyes shrugged. ''Oh? Who's the unlucky? Does Morrison know?'' Jamison chuckled teasing. "Morrison." His expression was very neutral. ''Oh~? I heard he has a girlfriend.'' Jamison said.

"From who?" Reyes asked. ''Free me and I will tell.'' "Not happening slutrat." Reyes started to walk away. ''Envy angsty teen.'' Reyes walked to Morrison's office, pinning the younger man against the wall. ''Wow what are you doing, Gabe?'' Morrison asked, looking at the sin host. Reyes kissed him. "I heard a rumor today." He kept the younger man between the wall and his body. ''What kinda rumor?'' Younger asked, kissing back.

"That you have a girlfriend or something." Reyes grabbed Morrison's ass. ''What do you mean? Who?'' Morrison asked, blushing slightly. "Just some aussie rat." Reyes kissed Morrison again, who however pushed him away, looking into his eyes. ''Tell me before you get anything else.'''

Reyes sighed. "Junkrat said you had a girlfriend when I said we're together." Reyes kept Morrison close. ''You told to JUNKRAT?! He will tell to everyone!'' Morrison said with blush on his face. "He's in a cell. He won't be getting out of there anytime soon." ''Why you celled him without permission?'' "Does that really matter?" Reyes pushed himself against Morrison lightly

''It does. I am the commander here.'' Morrison said, pushing Reyes away. Reyes looked at him. "And him planning something bad isn't a good enough reason then?" ''He planned what then?'' Jack asked, crossing his arms. "From what I can tell, He's planning to bring the seven sins together."

''I can believe he has no reason to. He has seen apocalypse. I bet he is planing how to STOP them.'' "And how would bringing them together stop anything?" Reyes questioned. Jack could finally notice his dark blue eyes.

''Your eyes aren't blue.'' Morrison said, backing away. Reyes covered his eyes, turning to look away. He mumbled a quiet "Fuck". ''I don't know who you are, but you aren't Reyes.'' Morrison said, taking his gun.

"Jack, don't shoot." Reyes sighed, walking to the desk. "I'm Gabe, allright?" He took out his contacts, looking at Morrison out of the corner of his eye. His eyes were a really bright blue. ''Oh? Are you now.'' Morrison asked, holding his gun. Reyes nodded, turning back to face Jack. "Junkrat and Hanzo have fucking breasts. McCree looks like a fucking werewolf and Oxton is laying on the floor, sleeping like an idiot.

Jack backed towards the door. ''And your eyes look freaky.'' "Yeah, apparently because I'm "Envy"." Reyes sighed, sitting down, rubbing his head. "Jack, don't go." ''I will.'' Jack said, as he as he kept backing away.

"Please..." Reyes' voice sounded weak as he held his head. The latino just looked so... weak right now. ''I need to go check my underlings, Reyes.'' He said with somekind of hurty voice. Reyes' shoulders twitched a bit. Was he crying?

Jack walked closer. ''Reyes?'' He asked. Reyes rubbed his eyes, his hand looking a bit wet after. Jack knelt down to him. He was looking at the ground, definitely shedding tears. Jack pet his head. ''Calm down.''

Reyes went to hug jack, but froze, keeping his arms low. ''Reyes?'' Other asked. "Sorry." Reyes wiped his eyes, then sitting up straight. ''Come. Lets go check on others.'' Jack said, standing up. Reyes stood up aswell, trying to look like nothing just happened. He put the contacts back on.

They walked first to the cells. They could hear humming. ''Dum dududum dum dum duu'' "Why here of all places..." Gabe sighed, rubbing his eyebrows. ''We need to get him out.'' Jack said, walking to the cell, looking at Female Junkrat. ''Is this Junkrat?'' He asked. ''Yup. Thats me mate.'' Junkie answered, standing up.

Morrison opened the cell door, letting the australian out. Gabe watched Junkrat closely.

She looked back at Reyes and then walked upstairs. 'I need to find that gorilla.' He thought. Morrison isghed a bit. "Lets go see everyond now." Gabe nodded. They left to check on everyone.

Winston was in his lab, doing some electronic work. Jamison soon found the lab. ''Heya Mate!'' He said walking in. Winston looked over. "Hello there." The snake was hissing.

Winston jumped a bit, looking at the vile creature. She walked closer. "Winston. I need a favor." "What?" He kept his eyes on the snake.

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