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Roadhog put a hand on his shoulder. "Junkrat?" ''Mako! You gotta hel-'' ''No! Stay away!'' ''Like hell I will! This is me body! Not yours you brat!'' ''I am not a brat!'' "You are a brat." Roadhog huffed

"No I am not!" "Yes you are! Let me out!" Maniac voice said. "Go away!" The scared voice said. "Mako. Take me to the fountain near Junktown!" The maniac said. "No! Stay away! You can't control me!" Mako grabbed Junkrat and put him in the bike seat, starting it again. Jamison was still arguing with himself. Roadhog started to drive them home

It took few more hours to drive near the Junkertown, but he coudnd't see a fountain. "Where's the fountain?" Roadie asked. The kid had fallen asleep. Roadie shook Junkrat. "Wake up buddy." ''Whooot?'' Asked the sleepy voice. It wasn't Junkrats. It was the brat.

"Brat." ''I am not a brat!'' The other mumbled. "Yes you are. I need Junkrat." Older said. ''I won't let him out! He seems mean...'' Jamison said. "Let him out." ''No!'' "I need to know what fountain he means." Roadie huffed.

''I don't want to go there!'' The brat said. ''I don't want to be locked away AGAIN!'' "What do you mean again?" Roadhog looked at him. ''I got locked away! I haven't seen the sunlight in years!'' He shouted. Roadhog stared at him, as if waiting to hear more. ''Something locked me inside, letting this... Thing out!'' Roadie nodded slowly.

''I want to stay out! So I am not telling you!'' Jamison raged. "Then how will you survive? This is the apocalypse mate." Roadhog said. ''I will survive! Ya don't need to worry.'' Jamison said, walking away. "Will you now." Other chuckled.

After Jamison had walked away from Roadie, he saw a man, standing in his way

Jamison looked at the man. "Junkrat I'm guessing?" The man had a rolled up wanted poster in his hand. "No?" He asked.

"Yes, you are." He rolled the poster open. The prize... 12 500 000 dollars?!! "I am not Junkrat! I am Jamison!" He shouted. "Yeah yeah." He was now surrounded. "Give yourself up niiice and quiet and we won't hurt ya mate." "Stop! I am not whot you think I am!" He said with pleading voice. "Yes ya are." Jamison looked around in panic.

He was completely surrounded. Each of the junkers had a makeshift weapon, pointed at the blonde aussie. Tears rose to his eyes. He had no weapons, nor he wanted to fight. He heard one of the guys behind him yowl. Then another. He turned to look. "Whot...?" Two of the men were wrapped in chains, another one yowling behind the junker. He looked at the chain and tried to escape. The junkers were all tied up now, roadhog finishing the last one. He stared at the huge man.

Roadhog looked back. "Can survive huh?" "Shut up fatty." Shorter hissed. "Idiot." The younger took the wanted poster. ''T-this isn't me... I don't have that kind of hair...'' He mumbled. "Yes you do."

''What?! It looks.... Terrible! And why its on fire?!'' "How would I know?" Roadhog shrugged. He sighed. ''The fountain is under the town...'' He mumbled. Roadhog nodded. "Show me.'' ''T-thats all I know I swear!'' He said. "Please?" Roadie asked.

''I know the entrace...'' He said, starting to walk towards something.

Roadhog followed. They walked for a bit, until younger stopped and knelt down, dusting the sand. Roadie watched. A trapdoor came visible. He tried to open it. ''This is heavy.'' He said, unable to open it.

Roadhog cracked his knuckles, opening the door. It wasn't small trapdoor, so Roadhog fit there too. Jamison went ahead, but fell down from fifth last stair, holding his head. "You ok?" ''Y-yes-'' ''Let me out god damn it!'' ''N-no!'' ''You have to!'' Roadhog picked him up.

''Put me down fa-'' ''He ain't no fatty!'' Maniac voice shouted. Roadhog chuckled, carrying the smaller man, looking for the fountain. He could see a light coming out from somewhere. He walked towards it. There was a fountain with bright water.

Mako put Junkrat down. He was about to run away, when he fell on his own feet. Roadhog grabbed him. ''N-no! D-don't!'' He said. ''I don't want to drown!'' "I won't drown you." ''I-I can't swim!'' He shouted. "I'll hold you." He could see a slight grin on youngers face, but it wasn't like Junkrats. Roadhog studied his face He was clearly hiding something. As they got near the fountain, Jamison looked at it. "What're you hiding?" ''W-whot are you talking about...?'' Jamison asked. "I need to drown you, huh?" Roadhog mumbled

''N-no! Please don't!'' Roadhog stuck Junkrat into the water without warning. He gasped from the surprise. He got water in his lungs. Roadhog looked at him. He was drowning. His hairs fire turned off. Roadhog tipped his head a bit. Jamison was holding his neck. The bubbles came to the surface, until he went limp and the bubbles stopped. Roaghog pulled him up, rubbing his back

He didn't move for a bit. His heartbeat was low, but soon he started to cough, He coughed hard, water coming out from his lungs. Roadhog pat his back He was coughing, curled up. He couldn't talk much.

Roadhog looked at him. "Jamis?" ''W-wh*coughing*ot?'' He said, his voice disappearing on the midsentence. "You okay?" He tilted his head''I-I was just-'' He coughed his voice disappearing. ''Drowned.'' He whimpered. Roadhog nodded.

Other kept coughing, but after a while he had calmed down, his breathing still heavy. Roadhog rubbed his back. "Feeling explodey?" ''Feeling like throwing up.'' He chuckled his normal chuckle, his voice faiding. Roadhog surprisingly hugged him

Junkrat looked at him. ''Ya okay big lug?'' He chuckled, but hugged the bigger man back. "Yes." Mako sighed, fluffing out the blonde hair. Junkrat smiled. ''Its good to be back, mate!'' He chuckled. "Glad to have you, idiot." Roadhog lift his mask and kissed Junkrat's nose. This made other blush and chuckle. He gave a kiss to others chin before he could pull on his mask. Roadhog walked out of the cave with the other.

They walked to the big ones Harley. ''Could we go to the sea?'' Younger asked smiling. "The sea?" Roady asked as he got onto the bike. "Sure?" ''I want to try to build underwater bombs!'' Junkie laughed, as he stepped to the sidecar. Roadhog started the bike, driving to the beach.

From there they found an old cottage, where they could go spend some time. Roadie stretched and took his ammo vest off, looking around in the cottage. It was small. ''Welp. I can remember that I need to build a new RIP-tire. But I think that can wait. I want to try and make a underwater mine!'' He laughed. His laugh sounded bit weird, not normal.

Mako looked at his friend, taking his mask off completely. "Are you allright?" ''Yes!'' He stopped laughing, it turning to chuckling. Mako stared at him for a while. He kept chuckling, until hit his hand to his other hand. ''I need gunpowder.'' He said. The other watched, looking suspicious. ''Do you still ha- What is it big lug?'' Jamison asked, looking at him. "You're different." ''No I am not!'' He said. He had a tail for like fraction of a second, and it disappeared.

Roadhog squinted his eyes

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