The Sins

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"I need to go. Hanzo and McD are waiting. We are gonna go check others and see if we find the last sin." Jamison said. Roadie nodded slowly. "Put me down?" He let go of the Junkie's neck. She then walked to the door.

She then started running to the dining hall. Hanzo had completely changed into a woman, and had wrapped a bandage around his breasts, otherwise keeping the same clothes. Jamison looked at McCree next. "Wheres the other hosts?" She asked.

McCree had a much bigger beard, a lot more bodyhair, pure black eyes and large fangs coming out of his mouth. "I don't really know... I know where sombra's room is."

"Lets go check. She is Gluttony so I have a bad feeling..." Jamison said. "How so?" "Gluttony." She said. "Show her room." McCree nodded and stood up, basically all of his muscles a lot bigger than before. He and Hanzo both walked to Sombra's room. Jamison followed, soon they got to her room. Junker knocked the door.

"Whaat?" They heard from inside. "Are ya alroight Mate?" Jamison asked. "Yes, now go away!" She yelled. "Come on! Open up!" Jamison shouted. "No!'' She heard a sigh. "I have an answer to whot happened!" "Go away already, I have things to do!" "Sombra I am coming in." Jamison said, opening the door.

Sombra punched him in the face. "I said get out!" The Junker managed to dodge the punch and she looked at Sombra. She was wrapped in her blanket. He couldn't see her. ''Show me your body mate.'' Said the female. "No. Go away." ''Mate!'' She said. Eventhough she talked like Junkrat, she looked nothing like him. "Who even are you?" The hacker asked.

"I am Junkrat. Same happened to me." She said. "No you're not." Sombra said. She turned invisible and the blanket fell down. ''Ask me anything he would know.'' Jamison said sighing. Sombra was gone. ''Sombra?!'' Jamison asked. "I think she's gone"

"Fuck!" Jamison cursed. McCree sighed, rubbing his head. "I think she don't want us seein' her like that." "I know. But still... We need to be careful. I am not sure Sombra knows about Gluttony, so she is easy target to take over. Unlike us." Jamison said. McCree nodded. "How would we find her?" Jamison asked. His eyes got bit of a needy look, but he tried to hide it. "Well I don't know. She's real secretive." McCree shrugged.

Jamison nodded. "How about Reyes boi?" She asked. "Training." Hanzo said, looking at his now dark blue skin, horns and tusks from the mirror. Then looking at junkrat with pure white eyes. ''Eeh you look creepy mate.'' Jamison said, his amber eyes partically glowing in the dark.

"So do you.'' Hanzo huffed. ''How come?'' He asked. All the black gunpowder and all had disappeared and his skin was pale. "Look in the mirror pardner." McCree shrugged. Jamison looked to the mirror and partically jumped. Hanzo chuckled slightly.

''Lets go find other sins. And the missing sin.'' Jamison said, dashing out. "Don't ya mean sins'?" McCree asked, following him with Hanzo. ''We are still missing Sloth.'' He said, as he ran to the training room. "And wrath" Hanzo pointed out. ''Oh yea. That won't be good.'' Jamison said, as his tail turned to snake. "What's it doing?" McCree asked, pointing at the snake. ''It found a sin.'' Jamison said, as the snake was staring at Tracer nearby.

She was carrying a bag to her room. She must've returned from London. ''Oi! Mate!'' Jamison shouted, walking to her. Tracer looked at him. "Oh hey there luv!" The snake tried to get closer. Tracer looked at it and blinked farther away. "What the hell is that?" "Lena. Listen to me. You will change like we do. And we need to know why. Just let it bite." The woman said. "Um.." Lena looked at the snake, looking terrified. "I'm sorry luv but I'm terrified of snakes"

''I know. Don't worry. Trust me. Its me, Jamison.'' The woman said. "Wha-?" Lena's eyes widened a bit. ''Yeeea. I know its hard to believe, but it is me. So trust me. I will find the root of this, Mate.'' Jamison said with assuring voice.

Tracer nodded and blinked back over, looking really scared and almost on the verge of tears. The snake bit her. She whimpered, then falling on her knees, snoring quietly. ''What the?'' Jamison asked, looking at the other. She snapped fingers on her face. ''Oi! Wake up!'' She mumbled, then curling up on the floor, clearly asleep. "I guess we found Sloth then." McCree chuckled

''Apparently.'' Jamison said. ''Wait a minute. Why didn't I change?'' He asked. "You're already a girl, remember?" Hanzo asked. ''Good point.'' Jamison said. ''Do you have a lighter?'' McCree digged up a lighter from his pocket. "Here.'' ''Thanks McD! Now. I want to get these to light up!'' She chuckled, as she took it, and then took her hair to her hand. She light up the tips of his hair, but they went out almost instantly. She tried again. McCree and Hanzo watched, holding each others hands. ''Why won't they light up?!'' She cursed.

Soon they could see Reaper walk past them. Reaper looked at them, grabbing his gun, pointing it at them. "Woah woah woah Reyes calm your ass!" McCree yelped, pulling hanzo behind him. Jamison looked at him, still trying to light up his hair. "Who are you people?" His voice was threathening. "And you, put the lighter down." ''Its us. Hanzo, McCree and Junkrat!'' Junkrat said, putting down the lighter.

Reyes squinted his eyes, clearly not believing them. Jamison took out a bomb. It was one of Junkrats grenades. ''Something has happened to you too, Host of Envy, right?'' She said. "Nothing at all." His eyes weren't that bright blue as they had been when lust turned him. ''Luckyy.'' Jamison said. ''Mate. We ain't enemies. Also. We found second last sin! Now we only need to find Wrath.''

"Not enemies? Hmh. I guess you don't have a 12,5 million bounty on your head?" Reaper hissed. ''Oh shut up mate! Not all of us! Sure, you can shoot me, but I won't tell you that you will survive!'' Jamison raged. Reaper kept his eyes on junkrat. "So do you care to explain what the fuck Oxton is doing sleeping on the floor?''

''I released her sin to see what she has inside her. Sloth apparently.'' He said chuckling. Reaper sighed, lowering his gun. He looked annoyed. ''So where do we find Wrath?'' Jamison asked. ''Any idea?''

"No. And I don't care either." Reaper said coldly. ''You should.'' Jamison said with arms behind his back. "And why's that?" Reaper asked, still holding his gun. ''Because these guys are going to take over our bodies sooner or later. Kill everyone. Take over the world.'' Jamison said chuckling.

"And so if we don't find one of them, they can't do that." Reaper pointed out. ''Then he could catch us out of guard.'' Jamison pointed out. Reaper rolled his eyes "You and your bodyguard should leave." Jamison looked at him.

"You can go back to australia and we won't haave to deal with your sinful shit." ''Really now?'' Jamison asked. ''You should shut up.'' She chuckled. "Who's the commander here buddy?" Reyes asked, crossing his arms. ''Who is the one trying to save something?'' "That'd be me." Reyes sneered. ''And thats how?'' Jamison asked chuckling. ''Then why not separate ALL of us?'' She asked, grinning.

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