Gave Up I

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...Gave Up...

:Month 8:


Fugaku Uchiha looked to his wife as she lovingly settled her hands upon her small stomach bump. The woman was close to five months along and barely showing. Unlike that Namikaze and Uzumaki spawn—Kushina was showing already at two months. She looked fat; he'd be damned if he voiced it aloud. Mikoto sighed as she traced hearts upon her belly.

"Sasuke, are you sure about the name?" Mikoto softly questioned.

He broke from his thoughts as he lifted a brow at his love's soft questioned. Honestly, he could call her his love despite marrying her for her abilities. She was the only choice in terms of power—in his heart there had never been any contest. Gently he smiled at her and watched as her dainty lips turned down at the corner.

"Wouldn't you prefer a name with honesty?"

Fugaku frowned; when it came to her children, he found she was never one for sacrifice. He cared for Itachi and this unborn Uchiha, but he understood his duties. As Uchiha Patriarch, he understood fully the good of the clan came first.

"Sasuke is a fine name; he was a great ninja and his name will serve to alleviate Konoha's fears of us," Fugaku simply said.

His tone told her she couldn't argue. Her fingers tightened on her unborn child as she sighed. Regardless of the name—he was her son and she loved him. Sasuke wouldn't be just to alleviate Konoha's fears; he would be a son, a brother, and a brilliant Uchiha. Mikoto smiled and went to voice her thoughts when a knock sounded on the door. Fugaku gave a firm look before he went to answer the door. Quietly, she listened and perked when she heard Kagome's voice.

Fugaku entered the kitchen followed by Kagome and Zetsu. She was surprised at the taller monochrome figure. The Chakra Suppressor around his neck told her Zetsu was being watched closely. It was amusing since he used Chakra differently and the collar was a waste.

"How are you Kagome?" Mikoto questioned with warm tones.

The woman softly smiled and intoned, "Fine."

Mikoto sighed as Kagome kneeled. Zetsu placed her bag beside her and gently rested a kiss upon her temple as he said, "I will wait outside with Fugaku."

Mikoto silently observed Kagome as she went through the motions of rolling back the black sleeves of her robe. She took to wearing the Uchiha robes with crest upon her back. Underneath, she preferred her sleeveless crimson shirt and cargo Capri pants. Mikoto couldn't understand why she wrapped so much of her body

"I'm going to check vitals," Kagome informed as she outstretched her hands and her fingertips ignited with energy.

Mikoto reached out and caught the woman's hands. Kagome's eyes were dull as she glanced up at the Uchiha Matriarch, her friend. A warm smile did nothing to ease the turmoil inside.

"I know it must be hard," Mikoto softly said; she wanted to get the woman talking about the situation. It wasn't good to keep such things to oneself. Honesty, was ironically, the best choice.


The footsteps echoed as she marched into Hokage tower. Respect be damned! She had done too much for this village only for them to come and arrest her—Zetsu like a common missing nin, bothered her. The thought of them thinking he could eat someone disturbed her. Of course, the memory of him as a child licking the blood from her body came to the forefront of her mind. She ignored the memory—he wasn't that child anymore.

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