Chapter Four

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Mike's Point of View:

After I pressed my lips to his, I realized three things. I was kissing my best friend. I'm in love with him. I truly, most defiantly want Chester. I began to process what I was doing and I knew I shouldn't have risked our friendship, but I couldn't resist. I could see him breaking in front of me and there is nothing I can do. The struggle of trying to help him seemed unbearable, I did what my instincts told me to do. In the past, I tried to shove my feelings towards him away, but now I'm literally shoving them down my best friend's throat.

He seemed shocked and frozen when my lips met his and my tongue forced it's way into his mouth. My eyes remained open only long enough to watch his widen and body stiffen. I craved for the moment to last an eternity, well knowing the situation could spiral out of control if he didn't feel the same way. I was willing to take this risk, because nothing I do seems to be enough to help him out of that dark hole he's managed to fall into. My heart breaks every time I hear or see him cry.

I became wrapped in shock as he unexpectedly began to kiss me back. My excitement exceeded me as I tried to press further into the kiss, but I was already as far as I was capable of going. Instead, I put my hand to the back of his head, pressing his face closer to mine, resulting in the two squishing together. His legs became automatically folded around my waist, my free hand around his. His soft hands were at the small of my back, trying to bring our bodies closer together. I could feel his heat radiating off of him and to me as the thrilling moment continued.

"M-Mike," He stuttered, pulling away from the kiss. I leaned in and began kissing his neck, tasting the warm sweet skin. "Mike, you have to s-stop."

"Why?" I breathed when I pulled away from him, already missing the contact. He unraveled himself and sat by my side, looking down at the floor.

"Because you don't know what you're doing," He sighed, biting his lip that I was previously connected to.

"Yes I do, I've kissed plenty of people in my lifetime," I rolled my eyes, knowing what he meant, but not wanting to confront this issue right now. All I wanted was to continue making out in the back of the bus.

"You know that's not what I mean, Mike. You don't realize that you're kissing me! You just miss Anna and you're trying to fill the void with me and then you'll just throw me away just like everyone else," He frowned, his glassy eyes looking back up to meet mine.

"Chazzy, I know who I'm kissing and trust me, I don't 'miss' Anna. I fucking hate her. I don't want anyone else, I only want you. I know who I'm kissing and I wouldn't want it to be anyone else. You should know better than anyone that I could never hurt you. I'll always be there for you, whether you like it or not. I love you, Chaz. I wouldn't want anyone else."

"B-but, Mike..." He trailed off, clearly speechless and not having another say in the argument. I sealed my words by gently kissing him on the lips again, much softer, yet still as passionate as the first.

"I love you," I repeated after I pulled away and looked back into his eyes. A tear splits down his cheek, which I wiped away with my thumb.

"Mikey..." He took a deep breath, he seemed undoubtedly nervous, which I could understand. This must feel like worlds colliding. "I love you too."

"R-really?! I'm not pushing you into this, am I?" I asked quickly, not wanting him to regret anything later.

"No, Mike. I love you. I really do," He smiled, giving me another kiss.

"Hey, guys, we gotta go- Oh my god!" Brad's voice suddenly shouted from the front of the bus. He must have spotted us as he rushed in. Chester pulled away from me and his face was masked with pure horror. I felt awful for Chester, knowing his rough childhood must have caused him to fear being judged, but I knew better. I had a feeling the guys wouldn't just accept us, they would praise our relationship. "What in the world! Mike, what the hell?"

"Uh... Hi, Brad. Me and Chester had been just, um-" I started before Brad interrupted with what he saw through the situation, being exactly what he saw.


"Yeah, exactly," I beamed, full of pride at the thought that Chester was mine, though I knew Brad wouldn't react too awfully. Even if I was wrong and it turned out he disapproved, it didn't matter now that I had Chester.

"Why?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at us.

"Because I love him," I answered, beginning to feel overly cocky, as I could now shove in others' faces that Chester was mine and I loved him.

"And does he love you back? You aren't fucking him are you?"

"You're very calm for thinking I was fucking him."

"Are you?"

"Brad!" I shouted. "No, no I'm not!"

"I love Mike too, it's okay, Brad," Chester giggled, the mood in the room beginning to lighten up, as it became more confirmed that Brad was alright with the situation at hand.

"But I wouldn't mind fucking hi-"

"Don't even dare finishing that sentence, Shinoda!" Brad shrieked. I loved that my friends weren't afraid of my occasional dark humor, it would just make them cringe.

"So you don't care that Chaz and I are together?" I smiled, already knowing he doesn't.

"Not at all, I actually thought you two were secretly dating, or at least I was hoping you guys were," Brad shrugged, chuckling.

"Wait, what?" I quickly looked up to him, unsure if I heard him correctly.

"What?" He asked as if he didn't say anything at all. I rolled my eyes and grinned, wrapping Chester in my arm. I had a good feeling about our future together.

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