Chapter Thirteen

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Chester's Point of View:

I couldn't have escaped the scene any quicker, I just wanted to get out of here. I just wanted to escape; Escape life. I deserved getting hit, didn't I? This is all my fault.

Pain struck to the core as I realized Mike didn't even come after me. I felt tears in my eyes again as I rushed to get out of the hotel. I went down into a dark alleyway and sat in a corner, head in my knees as tears spilled out and covered my entire face. Moving any muscle on my face hurt the bruise on my cheek. I still couldn't believe Mike hurt me. I trusted him, I thought he'd be the last person to ever hurt me. I was so wrong.

I'm selfish. If it came out of Mike's mouth, it must be true. I'm a horrible person, I deserved everything I got. I deserve more than just the pain I bring myself. I deserve to die.

"Well what do we have here?" A voice mocked me and I sniffled, looking up. A large man with big arms stood in front of me. I didn't even here him approach me. "Aren't you a cutie,"

"W-what?" I stuttered and he smiled, still looking at me. He took a step forward and I suddenly didn't feel safe anymore.

"It looks like you could do with the company." He stated and came even closer, eyeing me more uncomfortably. "You're so skinny,"

"I-I have to go," I said quickly and tried to stand up. He grabbed my arm and looked at it.

"Very beautiful tattoos," He murmured and outlined my flames with his finger. "And scars."

"P-Please... Let go of me," I began breathing quicker and trying to tear my arm away. "Please!"

"Why would I want to let go of someone as innocent looking as yourself? Do you know what it's like to be bad?" His grip on me tightened, causing me to yelp in pain.

"Let go!" I cried out and continued to struggle against his grip. He lifted me up and pressed me against a wall, grinding his hips into mine. His rough hands searched my body, making me cry out. Oh please, not again!

"You're mine tonight," He said and forcefully pinned me against the wall.


I woke up in the alley, wanting more than anything to be in Mike's arms. Instead, I was laying in cool cement, bleeding heavily from several places on my body. It was still dark out, I shivered and let out a small cry. This wasn't supposed to happen again.

I promised myself that I would seriously kill myself if this happened again - and it did. I curled up into a ball and continued crying. Memories of the previous night and the past tormenting me. Everything hurt and all I wanted to do was let the ground swallow me whole.

"Chester?" A low voice called. I lifted my head and saw Brad. Thank god!

"B-Brad," I croaked and he quickly pulled me into his arms.

"Oh my god, Chester! What happened?" He gasped and helped me up, shifting my pants so they were the right way. He straightened out my shirt and took off his jacket and wrapped it around me. "There's so much blood,"

"I came out into the alleyway to get away from Mike when this guy came and-"

"Did he touch you?!" He asked in a quiet voice and I nodded my head. "Fucking bastard! I'll kill him! What did he look like?!"

"It was - and still is - too dark out, Brad! I-it's okay," I tried to stay calm but he wasn't having it. He carefully helped me back into the hotel and took me up to his room.

"We're calling the police and taking you to the hospital," He said and I quickly broke away from him.

"N-No! Brad, no one can know about this." I yelped and thought about how Mike would react. He'd surely hate me more than he does now. Probably even say it's my fault it happened. Maybe it is my fault.

"They need to know, Chaz, and you have to go get checked out," He sighed and I shook my head. I didn't want to go back to the hospital! I just got out!

"Brad, no. Everything will be okay, just trust me. I'm fine," I tried to assure him. It all felt so unreal.

"Chester, you were fucking raped." He growled and I stiffened. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks and I just collapsed to the floor and broke down.

"No, Brad, no! It never happened! This never happened!" I yelled and quickly collected myself and ran into the bathroom. I saw a razor and gripped it tightly.

"Chester, open the door!" He shouted desperately but I ignored him and stared at the blades.

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