Strike One

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We were going to meet the transferees in our class today. My classmates talked with each other and the topics are all the same. The two girls seated behind me were no different.

"I've heard there are two boys transferring into our class. Isn't that amazing?" one of them asked giddily, some plan forming in her mind. What that plan was something I wouldn't want to know.

"More like weird. Doesn't the school separate transferees and never let them be in one class? Why were the two exemptions?" the other girl asked. This one was smarter than the other girl.

"'Cause they're probably hot. And rich. Maybe they paid the school and whatnot," the other answered. I heard a thud and some whining afterwards.

"Why'd you do that? You're going to ruin my hair!" the girl cried, probably smacked in the head. I rolled my eyes and put on my earphones, playing the music louder to mute the conversations around me.

I could care less about the transferees. All I wanted right now is to sleep. I used up my chance to sleep last night to help an underclass finish her biggest project. My classmates returned to their seats, which probably meant the bell rang. I wouldn't know because of my earphones. I removed them when the teacher came in, keeping myself in a silent demeanor.

"Good morning, class," the teacher greeted. "Good morning, sir!" my classmates greeted back a little too cheery.

"Today, we have two new students joining your class. Please let them feel welcome," the teacher said, turning to the door and nodded.

Girls started to whisper giddily as two boys walked into the classroom, one with a serious face and one with a cheerful aura. "I told you they're both hot," a girl behind me said, probably to her seatmate.

"Introduce yourselves to the class," the teacher said to the boys. The boy with a serious face went first.

"My name is Pierce Hawthorne. 15 years old," he said coolly as girls around me drooled over him. I rested my head on my palm, my eyelids growing heavy by the minute. Why does every girl like the guy who is cold and distant?

The next boy, who is a lot more energetic, was next to introduce himself. "Hey. The name's Silver Luckshire. I'm 14 and I like reptiles," he said and grinned. My eyes shot wide and drifted to the front.

The girls around were startled enough to hear what he said lastly but to me, it was like a secret introduction...between descendants. My eyes narrowed on the two boys in front.

Descendants like myself have an affinity depending on the clan. Since I'm part of the Saber clan, I have an affinity for canines. It's why Breezy can understand everything I order him and why my hearing and other physical attributes are a little enhanced. This person, Silver, said he liked reptiles. The only clan I know that had a special bond with reptiles is the Draconus clan. That's when I noticed his serpentine eyes. From afar, it wasn't noticeable but I could tell.

"You may take the seats at the back. For now, let's have a recap about what we discussed yesterday," the teacher said as the boys walked towards the back of the room.

One of them-Pierce, I guess-stared my way and gave a mysterious glance. I stared back with a blank expression. He passed by and I felt the atmosphere heating up for a while.

I glared at his back and looked back at the front. What a pissing show-off. Do they have to show their powers and intimidate other descendants? Not that I'm intimidated. More like pissed.

I let out a yawn and buried my head into my arms that were resting on the desk. I was about to drift off to sleep when I felt a stabbing sensation in my pocket. I took out my cellphone and looked at the keychain, which was the one I took from the attic. The symbols scribbled on the fang illuminated for a few seconds and returned to normal.

It's impossible that the stabbing sensation came from the keychain. But if it did, it was warning me. My intuition says something bad is coming as well.

"No cellphones please," the teacher said as he looked at me. I mentally rolled my eyes. It's not even on.

Lunchtime came and I went to the cafeteria, getting tackled into a hug by a very annoying but trusting underclassman. Daphne is a descendant of the Snow clan, which had an affinity for aquatic life.

"Hi, Jesley! I reserved us a table. Come on!" she said and dragged me to a table. She practically shoved me into my seat as she hurried to her seat and gave me a mischievous look.

I groaned as I sat up properly. "I know what's coming next," I said as I took some fries from her plate.

"I heard there are two hot guys in your class. Could you introduce me to them?" Daphne asked, her eyes practically sparkling. I rolled my eyes.

"Can't you focus on your studies first before flirting with the opposite sex?" I asked, making Daphne pout.

"But somebody else will get them if I don't make a move first!" Daphne complained. I nearly spat the food in my mouth.

"What?! Daphne, you're only 13 for goodness's sakes. What has gotten into your mind? And you don't even know who they are- "

"Then tell me," Daphne cut me off, resting her head between her hands as she looked at me. I raised my eyebrow.

"You really want to know? Fine. They look like show-offs who impress girls with their looks and intimidate others with their strength and power. One word to describe them is arrogant," I said, crossing my arms.

"Why, I'm flattered you think of us that way."

Daphne gasped and covered her mouth, eyes wide on whoever's behind me. I didn't have to know who it was. Just because of the presence, I can tell it was the two transferees.

"May we help you?" I asked blankly as they came to the side of the table. Silver was smirking while Pierce had no particular expression.

"Aren't you going to say sorry for talking about us that way?" Silver asked. My eyes drifted to him blankly.

"Look, people who specialized in backstabbing are people afraid to express their disdain for a certain person. They quickly apologize when the person they talk about hears them but continues to backstab anyway. And I hate to tell you, I'm not that kind of person. I'm not apologizing," I said, chin held high.

"Suit yourself. Though you know you are a little guilty," Silver spoke, making me roll my eyes. "Say what you want and leave," I stated with a hard tone.

"Is it bad to say hi to our fellow descendant? But I believe we haven't met at a descendant school at all," Silver said thoughtfully.

"Who cares? Just leave. I am not interested in looking at your hideous face," I bluntly said and gestured them to leave. "Shoo," I said.

"Girls nowadays are so feisty. Anyway, see you around. Ciao," he said, winking and left with Pierce following him without a word. I turned to Daphne when I heard her squeal.

"The rumors are right! They're not just the same as us but are also wickedly handsome..." Daphne said, her eyes defeating the diamonds' sparkle. I rolled my eyes and whisked some melted ice from my iced tea on her face.

"Snap out of it, dreamer. Focus on your grades before chasing after some idiots. If it weren't for your project, I doubt you can make it to a passing grade," I said, crossing my arms.

"Hehe, I can't help myself," Daphne laughed sheepishly. "But thanks for the help anyway. I owe you one," she said, beaming a smile.

"Sure," I said, letting out a yawn. "But I need to go to the classroom. I need to sleep," I stood up and walked to the classroom.

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