Strike Ten

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Creeping out of the dormitories wasn’t hard. It was the hiding part that was. If I’m correct, there were two sentinels patrolling every corridor. That was a little too much, wasn’t it? It’s like they were actually looking for someone. Hopefully, that wasn’t me.

My ears perked as I heard light footsteps from behind. I immediately moved to the shadows of another corridor, advancing to the library while hiding in the shadows time to time.

Now, how to get the double doors open without getting attention? Simple, create a little distraction. I hid behind a marble column; eyes darted towards the two sentinels walking down the corridor.

After a few seconds, a large crash was heard. The two sentinels looked to where the noise was heard, which was somewhere outside the dormitories. The two sentinels walked away and towards the noise.

I looked out the glass window near me, where I saw Daphne in her naiad form. She gave me a thumbs up and turned to water as the two sentinels from earlier came to the scene, where large splinters of glasses littered on the grass.

Not wasting another moment, I opened the double doors slightly and wiggled in, closing the door behind. It was dark in the library, the moonlight shining through the glass windows, being the source of light I had. Though I could see in the dark, it was good to have the moonlight.

I walked to the curtain Daphne had pointed to me this afternoon and cast it aside. There it was, a door made of dark crystals. Just as I thought, the chains’ magic was really weak that I could touch it and pull it off. So that’s what I did.

I knew I had to hurry. The magic will be regained and will activate sooner. I wouldn’t want to be stuck in here either. My eyes circled the room, taking in the picture.

It was a wide room but there were only little books found. Each book was placed in a glass container and marble stand, several meters away from the next book. I walked by each book, searching for the Tome of Histories.

There were books about advanced magic, predictions of the future, and other things you couldn’t find in the library. But I wasn’t interested in any of them. That’s when my eyes landed on a book floating on top of a marble stand. I walked to it and read the title.

La Lièvre du Histoire

I had the feeling this was it. This one is the Tome of Histories. Other than the very old book cover that you can call ancient, the energy emitted was too peculiar.

I grabbed the book, startled to feel a little electrocuted. I shrugged and opened the book, scanning each page.

To my satisfaction, Daphne was right. Descriptions about every single clan and their records were written perfectly.

Reading French wasn’t hard since I learned it at my old human school. There were actually a few things from the human world that I can apply to the Ethyrian realm.

All the clans were listed in alphabetical order. That’s when my eyes landed on the S section. My clan’s name was the first one I saw. I immediately flipped to the page with my clan’s name.

I couldn’t help but smile when I found some information. I was finally going to get some answers. My eyes scanned the pages, the information being processed in my mind.

The Saber clan was a clan residing in Elythemia, the earthly land of the Ethyrian realm. They were known to have properties similar to every animal in the dog family.

They had the gifts of enhanced senses and were able to transform into their canine forms. Stygios, the enchanted black fox with nine tails, was the primary guardian creature entitled to watch over each and every Saber.

The Saber clan was known to be experts at hand-to-hand combat and was approached for help regarding war craft. It was during the very first War of Descendants when-

I frowned when there was no continuation of the passage. Then I noticed the torn sides near the page. I nearly ripped the book to pieces.

Someone had ripped off the answers to the freaking questions haunting my life.

I froze when I heard someone outside the secret room. I immediately placed the book back to its stand, where it floated like no one had touched it. I went near the door and listened. It was Mrs. Velasquez, the librarian. I opened the door slightly to look.

The gray-haired librarian had a flashlight with her as she looked through the papers on her desk. I was thankful it was dark. She couldn’t see me. Well, unless I let her.

I slid past the door and closed it. I froze when the chains hissed loudly, rattling against the door as it secured the handle.

The librarian looked up in alarm and pointed her flashlight at the curtain I was able to pull down in time.

“Who’s there?” she called out. I stayed low as I crept towards the shelves while Mrs. Velasquez headed towards the curtain.

The double doors were open, letting me get away before the librarian saw me. I let out a chuckle as I turned back to human form. “That was so easy,” I muttered.

“I don’t think so.”

I turned and saw the girl with auburn hair. Adela? Isabelle? Whatever. But the point is, she was wearing the sentinel uniform. And she was smirking evilly.

“Wow. You’re actually qualified to be a sentinel,” I said with mock surprise. “And you actually think you can get away with breaking the curfew. Foolish newbie,” Annabel said and dragged me by the arm. Probably to the discipline office.

“Ow, stop pinching, Arielle. I came on my own will,” I complained. “It’s Asphodel,” the girl corrected with a very stern face.


Miss Dawn had a stern look, her arms crossed over her nightgown. “You broke another rule, Jesley Saber. You know what that means. Don’t you?” she said, her fingers tapping on her other arm.

“I think so,” I said. “Walking around the corridors past curfew is strictly prohibited, Saber. It’s three rules you broke already. Three. What are you trying to prove with all these actions?” Miss Dawn asked, slamming her hand on her desk.

“Nothing. Is it bad to pee at night? If you didn’t want students to leave the dorms, you should’ve created more toilet stalls in the bathrooms,” I blankly retorted.

“Just how brazen can teenagers be nowadays?” Miss Dawn rubbed her temples.

What? I know I didn’t really go to the bathroom, but what I said was partly true. There was little space for stalls and the rest of the bathroom was filled with whatnots.

“You created three offenses, Jesley Saber. It’s only fitting you get some punishments,” Miss Dawn said fiercely, “You won’t be participating at the weekly match that will be held tomorrow. You will also clean the cafeteria for one week straight. Lastly, you will be banned from eating pasta.”

I gaped at the last part. “Look, cleaning is fine and I’m actually good I won’t be at the weekly match. But to ban me from the only food in this place that I actually eat? Can’t you think of another punishment?” I asked irritatingly.

“Are you suggesting you want to enter the Room of Reflecting Glasses?” Miss Dawn asked. I pursed my lips. I was actually curious about what’s in it but decided not to say it. I might be actually sent in there if I said anything.

“As I thought. Now if there aren’t any other important inquiries, you may leave. And don’t run from your punishment. You’ll get something worse if you do.”

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