Strike Seven

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“Everything around us has life, whether it was a tiny plant or a nest of eggs. But where there is life, there is also death. Leaves will fall and animals will have to die. All of this happens in the name of balance.

"That is where enchanted ecology comes in. We study how everything is balanced in our world and bring the results with us as a tool to make life better. And I am Miss Galatia, your teacher for enchanted ecology,” the woman in front of us spoke, butterflies following her wherever she went. Her silky robes cascaded behind her like sparkling water as she walked. She was a fae, one of those wise creatures of nature.

“You will learn how to create tonics out of accessible herbs, which is very important especially if you are sent on missions that involved danger. You will be able to create substances and items that will boost your skills and weapons. Everything you will learn from this subject can and will be applied to everyday life so please listen to each lecture,” Miss Galatia smiled at us but I was too bothered. The grass was itchy and my legs are going red because of my scratching.

“Miss, are you alright?” miss Galatia asked as she approached me. “No,” I answered frankly. “The grass is irritating my skin,” I said. Miss Galatia laughed lightly.

“No worries, young dear. Here, let me help with that,” she offered and ran a finger over the irritated skin. A warn golden light enveloped my skin and no red marks were visible after the light disappeared.

“Woah…” I said with wide eyes. “Are we going to learn how to do that too?” Daphne asked excitedly.

“You will young students. Now please prepare a pad of paper and pen. We will be having a tour around the forest to search for the most fundamental herbs in our lessons,” Miss Galatia said and waved her hand.

The tree branches bowed down to create domes and flowers blossomed in passion as Miss Galatia passed by the flower buds.

“Jesley? Where are you going?” Daphne asked, seeing that I wasn’t following them as they walked into the forest.

“I forgot my things in my locker. Jut down notes for me,” I answered and turned to walk. “Okay. But hurry back!” Daphne called out behind me.

I was actually thankful I forgot my stuff in my locker because I don’t like going on nature trips. It’s not like I hate nature. I just don’t like walking in a forest where there are unnecessary noises (like my classmates). It interrupted the peace and I prefer not going if it will be noisy.

Besides, I’ve read about herbs in the Ethyrian realm when I was still in the human world. My dad had a library full of Ethyrian books and I knew I needed it so I decided to read each of them. So, I really don’t need the nature trip.

“Woah, are you skipping classes?” I saw Silver by the large open glass windows. He was smirking, probably planning to tell the teachers later on. “I could ask you the same thing,” I said.

“Well, I really don’t think I need to memorize the names of herbs. Besides, it’s not my job particularly to mix herbs and things to make a healing tonic. It’s for the medic mages, not for a warrior such as myself,” Silver said proudly. I looked at him blankly, unconvinced.

“… Sure,” I said and walked down the corridors. Silver followed behind, which I was ungrateful for. The least I wanted to do now was be with a loud and troublesome boy (the irony, I was a troublemaker too).

“So, what do we do for the one hour of skipping classes?” Silver asked with mischief visible in his voice. “Avoid being caught while finding something worthy to spend time on, I guess,” I replied with a shrug.

“Then let’s go to the shrine of guardians. There’s always a lot of cool stuff there. Let’s go,” Silver said and walked ahead. I hissed in pain as I felt a stabbing sensation near my thigh.

I secretly took out my keychain, seeing it glow brighter than it did before when Silver and Pierce showed up at school. Now what the flipping hippos does this keychain want to say?

“Slowpoke! I thought you don’t want to get caught,” Silver yelled at me though he was a few meters away. “I don’t so quit yelling before someone hears you,” I glared.

The shrine of guardians was built near the main building of Guardian’s Haven and was surrounded by night shade trees, their cerulean leaves dancing to the wind. The sight was amazing and I couldn’t be more surprised when we entered the shrine.

Our footsteps nearly echoed across the place if it weren’t for the rushing waterfall built on each side of the temple. Our reflections were clear on the polished tiles and ceilings as we walked.

Like all the other buildings, this shrine was full of nature as flowers and orchids decorated the sides, nature wisps hovering around them with grace.

“Awesome, right?” Silver asked as he walked past the flora, as if he had seen it many times and got tired of looking at it. “Yeah, it great alright but what are we doing in here?” I asked impatiently.

“To look at that,” Silver nodded at the end of the shrine, where tons of crystal statues of huge animals were mounted, each having a distinct color.

That’s when I realized they were the statues of guardian creatures, beings that fuel its descendants’ power and offer advice to them if needed.

My eyes widened in amazement as we got near the grand statues, watching as each of them gleamed as the rays of light coming from above hit their surface.

“I bet if a human sees this, they wouldn’t hesitate to steal them. Each statue is worth billions in human currency,” Silver said with a grin. “The only problem is how to carry these statues without a bulldozer,” I said and observed every statue as Silver chuckled.

Each statue had unique markings and designs on their skin, a characteristic that will confirm they are the guardian creatures. A lion made out of yellow topaz was standing on a rock, his mane held high and proud. Underneath it was a plate with the name “Leon of the Clawhook clan” in golden letters.

“Do they really have to show off their clan names or something?” I asked as I saw every statue with a name plate. Silver nodded.

“All of the guardian creatures with statues in here contributed to the development of Guardian’s Haven, kept us safe from unhandled danger and warned us if ever there was a dilemma. That’s my guardian creature over there,” Silver pointed at the snake made out of olive green crystals curled around an artificial tree, a diamond carved into its head.

Unlike most snakes, this snake seemed to have razor-sharp scales that pointed out dangerously. Its name plate had the words “Najandio, the guardian of the Luckshire clan” written on it.

My eyes searched for Stygios’s statue but I can’t seem to find it. “I don’t think my guardian creature’s statue is- “

“What are the two of you doing in here?!”

We turned in surprise as an old woman approached us; her eyes squinted in a very mean manner.

“Shoot,” Silver muttered as the woman got near, placing her wrinkled hands on her hips.

“Don’t you have classes with Miss Galatia right now?” the old woman asked. “W-Well yes but- “

“You’re skipping classes aren’t you?” the woman accused as she widened her eyes at Silver. Silver paled as he muttered, “Good naga.”

“I want the both of you sent to the discipline office now! Children nowadays need some punishing!” the woman grumbled as we practically brisk-walked on our way out.

“We’re in for big trouble,” Silver muttered. “Thanks to you,” I glared at him.

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