Chapter Four

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It was four in the morning when someone started knocking on my door nonstop. Breezy woke up and started barking at the door. With an irritated and groggy face, I opened the door to see Daphne in her uniform.

"Get ready. You have five minutes before the morning exercises began," Daphne said. "Whatever," I said and slammed the door, heading to the bathroom afterwards.

I got back to the door ten minutes later, opening the door and got dragged as Daphne ran down the corridors. "We're gonna be late!" she yelled in a panic.

"So? I haven't even given Breezy his breakfast," I asked nonchalantly as I turned and saw Breezy by the door, his head tilted slightly, as if questioning our sudden leave.

"We'll be reprimanded for being late," Daphne answered, running faster than earlier. I stifled a yawn. I could care less. They ruined my sleep. And I'm cranky, too. It's their fault if I throw insults at them.

"Oh no..." Daphne muttered as we reached a training field. A man with a trimmed beard tapped his feet impatiently as Daphne and I approached.

"Five minutes and 28 seconds late, Daphne Snow," the man said and looked at Daphne, ready to scold. "I'm sorry, sir. I just stopped by Jesley's room to wake her up. It won't happen again," Daphne apologized, bowing her head.

The man's eyes were fixated on me as he stepped closer. I was an ant compared to his size. "You're the newbie, aren't you? As someone new, you should learn the basics such as what time to wake up and which actions to implement and avoid. It's irresponsible of you to ask someone to look after you. Miss Snow is an early riser and she is late because of your actions," the man scolded. I let out a yawn and stretched my arms in front of me.

"Well, you can't blame me for not knowing to wake up. I never got an orientation yesterday about things and just got a tour around the school. Nothing else. If you can't afford an orientation, then try giving out a booklet about school policies. Or the school council just got senile..." I muttered the last part to myself.

Daphne slapped her forehead while the man's eyes widened in surprise. "Why, you-"

He stopped when my stomach growled loudly. "See? You should let students eat a little at least before going on an Olympic whatnot," I blankly stated as I watched students swing at monkey bars and run while dodging some swinging axes and flamethrowers.

"You are a disrespectful child! As punishment, you will not eat breakfast until you complete the obstacle course with increased difficulty," the man boomed. My eyebrows furrowed. Was he banning me from my happiness?

"Who are you to decide when I will eat breakfast? I'm pretty sure you aren't the one cooking," I said defiantly, crossing my arms. Daphne covered her face in embarrassment as the man reddened.

"You insolent girl!" he said to me when Captain Zenith came to the scene. "Hey, what's the problem?" Captain Zenith asked as he patted the man's shoulder. The man pointed at me.

"This audacious imp has been talking back and insulting me. It's not even an hour before her first day of classes began!" the man griped hysterically.

"Please calm down, sir Clevis. Jesley, you know well that talking back to your superior is rude," Captain Zenith turned to me. I shrugged.

"Can't help it when I'm hungry. And waking up at four to do an Olympic sport? You've got to be kidding me," I said, putting my hand on my hip.

"She needs a punishment," the man, which I heard the name is sir Clevis, said. Captain Zenith's face had the look of disapproval but nodded. "What punishment will you give her?" he asked.

"He wants me to do a solo down there so that I can eat. Like, really, this is child abuse," I said as I pointed to the hellish obstacle course down the slope of the hill we're standing on.

"That's too much, sir Clevis," Captain Zenith said. "Nah, its fine. Let's get this over with. I wanna eat already," I said and walked towards the start of the obstacle course.

Seems like I have audience. The students were done with the course, a few were panting while most were being healed by a bunch of light green wisps.

They stood by the side of the obstacle course, their eyes on me. I did a few warm-ups and got ready. With my enhanced hearing, I heard the comments of students. Some were negative, others were oddly positive, and some were worried about how I'd do.

I know I'll do fine. My dad and I practiced a year ago on self-defense and helped me in learning how to activate enhanced physical attributes, which is what I did. I know I grew up in the human world, but I wasn't ignorant about what I can do.

I could hear the snapping of my bones but never felt any pain. The bones were reforming to make my body a little familiar to that of a wolf's. I shook my head sideways as I got into a position familiar to a dog that was ready to pounce, adjusting as my eyesight was magnified.

"On your mark... Get set... GO!" sir Clevis said and started his stopwatch. A second later, I was speeding on the track, my legs feeling lighter compared to when my skills aren't activated.

I was advancing in on the first obstacle, which is a barrier made out of conductive wire. I could hear the electricity zap even I was a few yards away. Without hesitation, I leaped through a small space in the barrier, adjusting myself so I could fit and not hit the wires.

I landed on my feet and regained my posture. My ears picked up a low rumble underneath, followed by the shaking of the ground I was standing. My instincts took over as I jumped in time as the earth gave in. My eyes widened at that as I looked behind. I never saw the ground giving in when the students did this freaking exercise of death.

"I told you that you will race with increased difficulty as punishment," sir Clevis said as he stared at me with the 'see-what-you-get-when-you-mess-up' look. Instead of frowning, a visible smirk appeared on my lips.

I loved nothing more than showing people that they are wrong, that I was a capable person no matter how hard they make the situation. It doesn't matter whether they are someone older or younger than me and whether they stayed longer in this institution.

They're trying to reprimand the wrong girl.

As adrenaline fueled my actions, I got past the shaking and crumbling earth with ease. I somersaulted as I reached steady land and advanced to the next obstacle, imagining how horrified sir Clevis will look as I passed this 'race with increased difficulty' in a way he didn't expect a 'newbie' would.

I jumped on walls and rolled to dodge as I went through by the swinging axes and smashed the flamethrowers as I passed by them. I passed by the monkey swings easily, not minding the boiling water underneath. I snorted as I headed towards the last obstacle, which was a tunnel with glass shards sticking out of the walls and ground.

Curled claws formed at the tips of my fingers, a burst of energy fueling me as I leapt at the ceiling of the tunnel. My so-called 'claws' dug into the solid structure of the ceiling. I let out a grunt as I swung my legs up to touch the ceiling and ran across the tunnel, not having a problem with the glass shards.

I slid on the dirt as I crossed the finish line, dusting my hands together. I can feel the bones that snapped reform with each other and my eyesight turning to normal. My claws retracted and became fingernails. I stretched my arms and exhaled.

"Unbelievable," I heard sir Clevis cry out on the hill. "That was the hardest level of the obstacle course yet she finished in five minutes easily," he added as he stared at his stopwatch in disbelief.

I let out a yawn while a secret smirk was forming in my mind. I knew that it worth seeing my first teacher's reaction. I wondered: Will it be the same for the rest of the teachers? I let out a mischievous chuckle just thinking about it. Then my stomach grumbled. I turned to sir Clevis.

"I did the course. Now, I'm sure it's okay for me to eat now. This whole thing is pissing my stomach off."

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