Strike Fourteen

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Silver laid back on his seat and placed his hands behind his head. “I’m surprised you wanted my help on something,” he smirked as he looked at me. I merely stared at him to show I wasn’t in for games.

“So what is it you want to talk about?” Silver asked. I placed my glass of iced coffee on the table in front of us.

“I’ll be straight to the point: I need someone who can control the orb. So far, you’re the most accessible Luckshire I can get to. Your grandmother’s unconscious and your brother’s way too busy to be disturbed,” I replied.

“Wait, why? Do you know where the orb is?” Silver asked. “No. We’re still going to look for it,” I answered. Silver gaped but closed his mouth immediately, but he sure looked shock.

“You’re insane, Jesley. Do you know how dangerous it is outside Guardian’s Haven? No tyro or sophomore could get out there alone. If they had to send someone out, it’d be the seniors and they would go in groups for safety measures. What makes you think you can survive without much experience? Much less look for the orb?” Silver asked hysterically.

“I told her that earlier but she wouldn’t listen,” Daphne piped in. “It’s too dangerous, Jesley. We all know you’re one of the most advanced students in our batch but sometimes, we need to use our hard-headedness in the right time,” she added sympathetically.

“So you’re saying I should use it when our time is already out?” I snapped, “The orb is stolen and now it’s out there, different forces will want to get their hands on it. And if the wrong ones get the orb, we’ll all be in danger. Sure, Guardian’s Haven is secure for now but what about the others outside our boundaries? We aren’t the only ones living in the Ethyrian realm. We may be tyros but the institution is teaching us to use our skills so that one day, we’d know what to do. If we’re just going to stand by like some lost puppies, I might as well do something rather than being useless.”

I stood up and looked at the two. “There’s no need for you to help me out anymore. I can do it myself. Apologies for wasting your time,” I said blankly and walked out of the silent cafeteria.

I kicked a stone out of my way menacingly. What was I thinking? Of course no one will help me. The institution made the students too loyal that they’re afraid to do something they think the council might not approve.

They haven’t turned the students into loyal warriors, they turned them to puppets. And I was alone.

I smiled when I heard Breezy’s barks. He jumped into my arms and licked my face. “Well, I ‘m not entirely alone. I have you, don’t I?” I muttered and ruffled Breezy’s soft fur.

There was no wasting time. I grabbed a bag and took all necessary things needed: extra clothes, tonics of every kind, some papers, and a few items Captain Zenith gave me the other day. I had to come up with a plan and I only have until midnight to execute it.


The moon shone brightly, its light passing through the glass windows. I looked at the clock as the hand ticked past twelve.

Not waiting for a moment to pass by, I opened the latch of the window. I leapt onto the ground as I transformed and rolled on the dirt. I looked up to my room and saw Breezy by the edge. He was unsure whether he’ll jump or not.

I opened my arms, telling him I was going to catch him. Breezy’s tail wagged as he jumped. I caught him in my arms and ran towards the forest. My eyes widened when I encountered a few sentinels.

“Jesley? What are you-Hey!” one of the sentinels called out but I had to run for it. I’m not going to spend another hour at the discipline office. Not now that I have a plan.

“Tsk,” I muttered out of annoyance when I saw the sentinels following me to the boundaries of Guardian’s Haven.

“Someone activate the barrier! A student is trying to leave!” one of the sentinels yelled to the people guarding the tower where the source of the barrier is.

Breezy whimpered as blue-green electricity sparked. They were activating the barrier. “Not on my watch,” I muttered as I placed Breezy in my bag.

Breezy tilted his head as he made a sound of questioning. “See you on the other side,” I said and threw the bag over the boundaries.

My eyes widened when the barrier was partially activated. I don’t know what happens if I leap through that but I’m doing it anyway.

“Stop!” the sentinels were also coming close. I exhaled and leaped through the barrier with eyes shut tight.

I hissed as pain shot through my body for a few seconds. I rolled down a slope and ended up on my back, groaning in pain.

Breezy found me. He was biting the strap of the bag as he trotted to my side and started sniffing me. He whimpered when he saw I had some burns on my arms. I was lucky I wore protective gear on my legs or it would’ve been burned as well.

Now come to think of it, why didn’t I wear protective gear on my arms? I hissed as I sat up, clutching my burns.

“Breezy, my bag,” I called out. Breezy was growling as he pulled the bag towards me, getting angry at the rocks where the bag got stuck on.

I searched through my bag for a tonic for burns. I clutched the vile as I pulled the cork out. This was going for a little pain, too. My throat burned as the tonic went down my esophagus, making me grunt in pain. I was rewarded when the burns faded away.

“Let’s get going, Breezy,” I said as I fixed the strap of my bag over my shoulder. I can do this. I’m a Saber. I can hunt down my own prey.

And so the real journey begins! I thought she had to take in the system of Guardian’s Haven before dashing off. But do you think she can do this by herself? Of course not. Comment what you think of the story so far. I’d appreciate it truly.

Enjoy life, people!

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