chapter two, connor

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"You really have some fucking nerve!" I yell, not caring who hears me.
I've been through so much shit to make sure that I didn't fail again and I'm not letting this tree freak ruin it.
"Writing about my sister in a fucking perverted letter! Who were you writing it to!"
I stomp over and tower over him, grabbing his shirt.

He gulps. "I-it wasn't like that!!" he yells back, hurrying it to a whisper. "It w..wasn't for anyone, tech-technically. It's for my therapist, from me to me."

"Therapist?" I ask, letting go of his shirt.
He nods quickly. "Dr. Sherman."

"How can you see me?" I whisper, sitting on the bed next to my body.
Which is so fucking weird to say. My body.
"I...I don't k-know....I've always been able to. To see dead people, I mean!" he quickly explains.

"So this is like some Sixth Sense bullshit? 'I see dead people,'" I ask, rolling my eyes.

"Sixth Sense?" he asks, his eyes showing confusion rather than fear.

"It's a movie," I mumble. We sit in silence for a few minutes before Cynthia walks in.

"How are you holding up, Evan, sweetie?" she asks, her voice soft. She lays an arm around his shoulder and looks at my lifeless body with sad eyes.

I've never seen her so distraught. Her eyes are wet and red, and her face is tear-stained. 

Either she's really good at acting or she really does give a shit.

Evan doesn't reply, he just shrugs and looks down, messing with the seam of his shirt. His eyes are filled with tears, too, but probably just because I scared him half to death. Or he's actually bothered.

He shouldn't even be here! I don't know him! He doesn't know me! He's just some stranger in school. 

Although, I suppose that's what I am to him. Before this week, I haven't spoken to him and he hasn't spoken to me. 

Before I know it, they have to leave. Zoe stands in the doorway.

"Mom? We should get to taking Evan home," she says, her voice cold and steady.

She's barely phased. Why would she be? I fucked her over. I'm so fucking shitty to her. 

Cynthia nods and she and Evan stand up, leaving. 

"I'll give you two a few extra minutes before we leave," Cynthia whispers, leading my younger sister out of the doorway.

"What have I gotten myself into, Connor? She thinks we were best friends? What do I do?" Evan whispers, fear lacing his voice.

"I don't know. But...I can help you convince her we weren't," I reply, my heart racing. 

Me having a best friend? I don't even have a dealer.

But I guess no one would know that since I was so closed off. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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